In the written test questions of bank recruitment, the number and score of line tests account for the largest proportion, so from the perspective of importance, it must occupy C. However, the line test is also a weak subject for many candidates, and there will be problems such as slow speed and low correct rate, which is also the main reason why many students fail in the exam. Therefore, in the process of preparing for the written examination of bank recruitment, candidates must spend a lot of time on the study of the exam, first learn the theory and skills, and then exercise these skills by brushing the questions to ensure the speed and accuracy of doing the questions.
Besides examinations, the second major problem faced by banks in recruiting written candidates is comprehensive knowledge, including public basic knowledge, economy, finance, accounting, computer and other subjects. The comprehensive knowledge part is characterized by many contents and strong professionalism. However, the written test sites for bank recruitment are fixed, and there are many knowledge points that are biased towards memory. Therefore, candidates can choose to focus on comprehensive knowledge before the exam, which can play a rapid role by focusing on learning and memorizing common test sites.