1, Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations
2. Arthur Lewis: The evolution of the international economic order
3. Arthur Lewis: Economic Growth Theory
4. albert hirschman: Economic Development Strategy
5. Edward Shaw: "Financial Deepening in Economic Development"
6. Olson: The Logic of Collective Action
7. barzel: Economic analysis of property rights.
8. Becker: Human capital.
9. Chen Yu: Enterprise System and Market Organization-Selected Works of Transaction Cost Economics.
10, Chen Zongsheng: income distribution in economic development.
1 1, David Ricardo: Political Economy and Tax Principles.
12, Teru Shimada Qingxiong: Labor Economics.
13, Douglas north: structure and change in economic history
14, Douglas north Robert Thomas: the rise of the western world
15, Demsetz: Ownership, Control and Enterprise —— On the Organization of Economic Activities (Volume I).
16, deepak Lal: Poverty in Development Economics.
17, di quqi: transaction cost economics-the new economic significance of the company.
Thomas: Theory of Economic Growth
19, Fernand Braudel: the power of capitalism.
20. Analysis of enterprise property rights.
2 1, Jinghan Fei, glanis: the development of surplus economy.
Peru: On the concept of "growth pole"
23.gerhardt Menshi et al.: Changes in capital value and innovation preference.
24. Hollis Chenery et al.: Comparative study of industrialization and economic growth.
25. Keith Griffin: Alternative Economic Development Strategy
26. Gillis et al.: Development Economics.
27. Jatak: Development Economics
28. Economic history of Europe.
29. Arthur Lewis: "Dual Economy"
30. Kang Mangsi: Institutional Economics.
3 1, Coase, Hart, Stiglitz, etc. : contract economics
32. Coase: "Social cost"
33.Ragnar Nurkse: Capital formation in underdeveloped countries.
34. Lester Brown: Building a sustainable society.
35. The law prebisch: foreign capitalism.
36. Lin Yifu et al.: Miracle of China ―― Development Strategy and Economic Reform.
37. Liu Shijin: Introduction to Efficiency Analysis of Economic System.
38. Robert M. Solo and others. : Analysis of economic growth factors.
39. Ronald Bumckennon: Money and capital in economic development.
40. Ronald Ilenberg and Robert Smith: Modern Labor Economics-Theory and Public Policy.
4 1, Rosenstand-Rodin: On "Great Progress"
42. Rostow: the stage of economic growth
43. roy harrod: Dynamic Economics.
44. Malthus: the principle of population.
45. Malthus: Principles of Political Economy.
46. Marshall: Principles of Economics (1)
47. meadows: the limits of growth
48. Morgan Eide. Labor economics.
Kondratiev: "Long-term fluctuations in economic life"
50. Qian Yingyi: Enterprise Theory.
5 1, edited by Aoki Masahiko and Masahiro Okuno: Comparative institutional analysis of economic systems.
52. Jones: Introduction to modern economic growth theory.
53. A Min: Unequal development.
54. Tell you: Introduction to Political Economy
55. Mi Xiongkou: Labor Economics.
56. Todaro: Economic Development in the Third World (Parts I and II).
57.Valentje, editor-in-chief: Marxist-Leninist population theory.
58. Wang Dingding: Economic development and institutional innovation.
59. Sears: a pioneer of development economics.
60. Simon Kuznets: The economic growth of the country.
6 1, Schumpeter: Theory of Economic Development
62. Adam Smith: A study on the nature and causes of national wealth (Volumes I and II).
63. Ilanberg Smith: Modern Labor Economics-Theory and Public Policy.
John Maynard Keynes: General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.
65. John Hicks: Theory of Economic History.
66. Zhang: New Development Economics.
67. Zhou Tianyong: Labour force and economic growth.
Keynes: General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (retranslated).
69. sismondi: "New Principles of Political Economy"
70. Liszt: the national system of political economy.
7 1, John Mill: Principles of Political Economy.
72. Li: Political economy theory.
73. Meng Le: Principles of National Economics.
74. Walras: Essentials of Pure Political Economy.
75, spoil Bavik: "Empirical Theory of Capital"
76. Clark: Wealth distribution
77. Van Buren: "On the leisure stage"
Pigou: Welfare Economics
79. Muir Dahl: Monetary equilibrium theory.
80. Murdahl: Asian Drama: A Study of Poverty in Some Countries.
8 1, Chamberlain: Monopoly Competition Theory
Hicks: "Value and Capital —— Discussion on Some Basic Principles of Economic Theory"
83. Schumpeter: History of Economic Analysis.
Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy.
Samuelson: Economics.
86. Samuelson: the basis of economic analysis.
87. Meade: Theory of international economic policy.
88. Producing goods with commodities-An introduction to the criticism of economic theory.
89. Leontief: Input-output economics
90. stigler: Industrial Organization.
9 1, stigler: Citizens and the State.
92. Friedman: Optimal Money Quantity and Other Papers.
93. Friedman: Consumption function theory.
94. Friedman: Capitalism and Freedom.
95. Robinson: The Economics of Incomplete Competition.
96. Galbraith: Economics and public goals.
97. Galbraith: American capitalism: the concept of counterbalance,
98. Galbraith is an affluent society.
99. Morris: Economic growth without inflation >:
100 Douglas: Mathematical Economics
10 1, Chenery: Industrial Correlation Economics
102, Becker: Economics of Discrimination
Blauger: Economic Methodology
104, Buchanan: democracy in deficit: Keynes's political legacy.
105, Buchanan: Freedom, Market and State.
106, Denison: the factors of American economic growth and the choices we face.
107, Lewis: economic development under the condition of unlimited labor supply.
108, north: the rise of the western world: a new economic history
109, North China: Structure and Changes in Economic History
Weber: Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism
1 1 1. Olin: interregional trade and international trade.
1 12, Hayek: The Road to Slavery
1 13, Hayek: Individualism and Economic Order.
Klein: Keynesian Revolution
1 15, Solo: growth theory: an explanation.
1 16, meadow, etc. : the limit of growth.
1 17, Introduction to Modern Economics by Robinson and Itwell.
1 18, Tobin: Asset Accumulation and Economic Activities
1 19, Ghana: Macroeconomic Theory.
120, Simon Clark: keynesianism, monetarism and national crisis.