The influence factor of JC has been around 7, and it is very troublesome to submit. Speaking of it, everyone agrees that its influence is one of the best in catalytic journals. However, when looking for a job, sometimes the impact factor will be hit by other magazines, especially the chemical magazine CEJ, which is biased towards materials or used to be widely accepted, and the impact factor will soar.
Paper factor:
For example, the delay in publication, the length and type of the paper, and the number of collaborators. Journals with shorter publication time lag are more likely to obtain higher impact factors. If the publishing cycle is long, due to the aging of the literature (more than 2 years), a considerable number of citations are not counted, that is, they do not participate in the calculation of the impact factor, thus reducing the impact factor.
A large number of statistical data show that if the published papers are hot topics, short in length and fast in publication, the citation rate will soon reach a peak, leading to a rapid increase in the impact factors of journals and then a rapid decline; Journals that publish complete research papers are cited for a long time, and the impact factors rise for a long time. Some data also show that there is a significant positive correlation between the average number of authors and the total cited frequency of papers.