2.20 100 1 paper title: integrated optimization method of reverse planning and design, publication name: Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), volume number: 38, issue number: 1, page number: 5-8, authors rank: 3 (correspondent), three index numbers:.
3.200906 Thesis Title: Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules SCI; Computed Tomography by Dynamic Programming and Multi-directional Fusion Technology. Publication Name: Academic Radiology, VolumeNo.: 16, IssueNo.: 6, PageNo.: 678-688, authors rank: 3 (correspondent), three indexNo.: 0002662/kloc-0.
4.200906 Thesis Title: Study on B-mode ultrasound image characteristics of quantitative grading of fatty liver. Journal name: Journal of Computer Aided Design and Graphics, volume number: 2 1, issue number: 6, page number: 752-757, authors rank: 3 (correspondent), three index numbers: 200927 1268.
5. 200805 Thesis Title: A local region matching method for distinguishing similar online handwritten Chinese characters based on support vector machine. Publication name: Proc. ICBBE's, volume number: 2008, issue number:, page number: 1984- 1987, authors rank: 4 (correspondent), three index numbers: 200837 1 15365438.
6.200802 Thesis Title: Content-based image retrieval is used to detect breast masses from X-ray images. Publication name: Miniature Microcomputer System, Volume No.29, Issue No.2, PageNo. 324-328, authors rank: 1, three major index numbers:, Publication category: D, Collection category: None;
7.200802 Thesis topic: Brain MRI image denoising based on pixel mimicry modified partial differential equation model, published name: Proc. SPIE, volume number: 69 14, issue number:, page number: 69 142-8, authors rank: 1, and three index numbers: 2008211.
8, 2007 1 1 Thesis Title: Query the encrypted strings in the database, publication name: Proceedings of the 2007 Sino-Japanese Joint Symposium on Computer Science and Technology, volume number: 2007, issue number:, page number: 90-97, authors rank: 3 (correspondent), three index numbers: 20.
9.2007 1 1 Title: Breast X-ray tumor segmentation based on maximum entropy principle and active contour model, published name: Proc. SPIE, volume number: 6789, issue number:, page number: 6789 1G 1-7, authors rank: 4 (correspondent), three index numbers: 200818/kloc-0.
10,200706 paper title: image segmentation method for automatically obtaining quantitative indicators of liver fibrosis, publication name: Journal of Computer Aided Design and Graphics, volume number: 19, issue number: 6, page number: 775-780, authors rank: 3 (correspondent), three index collection numbers: 200720.
1 1, 200704 paper title: boundary thinning texture segmentation based on k-view-datagram method, published name: Proc. CIISP, volume number: 2007, issue number:, page number: 19-23, authors rank: 2 (correspondent), three index numbers: 200739 10827096, publication category: C, collection category: EI;
12,200702 paper title: computer-aided detection of breast x-ray masses based on content-based image retrieval, published name: Proc. SPIE, volume number: 65 14, issue number:, page number: 65 14 1W 1-8, authors rank: 1, and three index numbers: 2007421.
13,200702 paper title: boundary thinning texture segmentation on liver biopsy images for quantitative evaluation of fibrosis severity, publication name: Proc. SPIE, volume number: 65 12, issue number:, page number: 65 124G 1-8, authors rank: 2 (correspondent), three index numbers: 200747109394/kloc-.
14,200609 paper title: analysis of density characteristics around abnormal mammography, publication name: Proc. SPIE, volume number: 6534, issue number:, page number: 65342L 1-7, authors rank: 4 (correspondent), three indexes.
15,200602 paper title: weighted average algorithm for keeping MRI image edge smooth, published name: Proc. SPIE, volume number: 6 144, issue number:, page number: 6 1446H 1-8, authors rank: 1, three index numbers: 2006259954632, publication category: C, collection category.
16,200512 paper title: a preprocessing algorithm to improve the efficiency of Boyer-Moore algorithm. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), Volume No.33, IssueNo. S, PageNo. 265-267, authors rank: 1.