Citation standard: when quoting other people's works, you should abide by academic standards and correctly quote other people's opinions, data and charts. Use the correct citation format and indicate the source in the text.
Revise the plagiarism part: revise the plagiarism part to make it conform to the argument and content of the paper. It can be rewritten, restated or integrated into other parts to ensure the overall coherence and logic of the paper.
Add notes and references: add notes and references to the paper, explaining the contents cited in the paper and the sources of opinions. This is helpful to improve the credibility and academic value of the paper.
Ask a tutor or a professional: If you are confused about plagiarism, you can ask a tutor or a professional for advice and suggestions. They can provide professional guidance and help to help you revise and improve your paper better.
"A" Hubei Province, senior professional title evaluation conditions
Evaluation conditions for senior profess