Abstract 4-5
Abstract 5-6
Chapter I Introduction 10- 17
1. 1 inventory management system development 10- 12
1. 1. 1 material requirement plan 10
1. 1.2 manufacturing resource plan10-1
1. 1.3 ERP 1 1- 12
1.2 research status and development trend 12- 15
1.2. 1 research status at home and abroad 12- 13
1.2.2 development of inventory theory
1.2.3 development of development technology 14- 15
1.3 Source and main research contents 15- 16
1.4 Summary of this chapter 16- 17
Chapter II Introduction to Basic Concepts and Systems of Inventory 17-33
2. 1 Basic concepts of inventory management 17-20
2. 1. 1 Basic concept of inventory 17
2. 1.2 Classification and function of inventory 17- 19
2. 1.3 inventory cost 19-20
2.2 Introduction of CandelRP Inventory Management System 20-29
2.2. 1 System Architecture Introduction 20-2 1
2.2.2 Introduction to Business Process 2 1-25
2.2.3 Introduction to Data Flow Diagram 25-28
2.2.4 Entity Contact (E-R) Model 28-29
2.3 CandelERP inventory management system functions 29-32
2.3. 1 Function Introduction 29-3 1
2.3.2 defect 3 1-32
2.4 Overview of this chapter 32-33
Chapter III Research on System Modeling and Extension 33-59
3. 1 system development method 33-35
3. 1. 1 structured development method 33
3. 1.2 Prototype Method 33-34
3. 1.3 Object-oriented method 34-35
3.2 System Modeling 35-42
3.2. 1 object modeling technology 35
3.2.2 Object Model 35-38
3.2.3 Dynamic model 38-4 1
3.2.4 Function model 4 1-42
3.3 Inventory Control Strategy 42-50
3.3. 1 Independent Demand Control 42-46
3.3.2 Relevant demand control
3.3.3 ABC inventory control strategy 48-50
3.4 Research on Extended Design 50-55
3.4. 1 functional requirements of inventory system
3.4.2 Inventory Business Process Design 5 1-52
3.4.3 Inventory data flow design 52-53
3.4.4 Entity Relationship Model 53-54
3.4.5 Query Analysis and Statistical Function Extension 54-55
3.5 Functional structure and flow chart of the extended system 55-58
3.5. 1 System Function Module Structure 55-56
3.5.2 General Diagram of System Visualization Process 56-58
3.6 Overview of this chapter 58-59
Chapter IV Extended Design and System Implementation
4. 1 Delphi multi-layer database development technology 59-63
4. 1. 1 data snapshot technology 59-6 1
4. 1.2 ADO technology 6 1-62
4. 1.3 data access technology 62-63
4.2 Inventory Management System Design 63-70
4.2. 1 data management design 63-64
4.2.2 Application Server Design