The prosperity of sushi China also reflects the consumption upgrading trend of consumers in China. In the past, Japanese cuisine such as sushi was mainly aimed at some high-end consumer groups, but now more and more domestic consumers are willing to spend corresponding fees for tasting exquisite and delicious sushi, which shows that the income level and consumption mentality of domestic consumers are changing. The appearance of sushi China is not only a phenomenon that Japanese food enters the China market, but also a change in China's consumer market structure and personal consumption concept.
The success of sushi China also benefits from Internet technology. Through the Internet, China consumers can not only learn about various Japanese restaurants and sushi brands, but also order directly online. This convenient way also allows more consumers to enjoy delicious Japanese dishes such as sushi. At the same time, some Internet platforms also spread sushi as a culture to more people. The rise of sushi China not only represents the cultural, consumption and technical exchanges between China and Japan, but also shows the vitality of Japanese consumer market and the rise and innovation of Japanese cuisine in its development.
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