We worship the secretary of the psychologist who walks in the city.
Relative clauses guided by who in a sentence can be associated with the noun phrase (NP 1) before of or the noun phrase (NP2) after of. Studying L2 learners' processing of ambiguity in relative clauses is essentially to discuss the similarities and differences between one-language sentence processing and two-sentence sub-processing, and to see whether the factors that restrict one-language sentence processing also restrict two-sentence sub-processing, whether two-sentence sub-processing has its own characteristics and so on. On the basis of introducing the treatment of ambiguous sentences with linked verbs, this paper puts forward some questions for discussion by interested people.
Treatment of ambiguous sentences connected by RC
Analysis of the ambiguous sentence of link 1 RC varies from language to language. French, Spanish, Dutch, German and Italian prefer high attachment, that is, RC attaches to NP1; English, Brazilian Portuguese, Norwegian and Romanian tend to have low adhesion, that is, RC is attached to NP2.
2. The factor of frequency. Kratos & Mitchell (1998) thinks that the parser will track the frequency of explicit calls in the input. In different languages, the frequency of ambiguity membership is different, which may be one of the factors that restrict ambiguity membership.
3. Syntactic factors. Minimum Attachment) (Frazier, 1978) holds that syntactic processing usually generates the structure with the least nodes. Late closure principle (Frazier &; Fodor, 1978) thinks that the words or phrases that appear later should be associated with the nearest components as much as possible. Different syntactic processing principles may have different prediction results for ambiguous attribution.
4. Phonological factors. Different languages may have different phonological requirements, so they have different tendencies and attach importance to themselves. Fodor (2002) thinks that French tends to be highly dependent, because RC in French tends to form independent prosodic components. The reason why English tends to be low-linked is that RC in English tends to form an independent phonological component together with NP2.
5. Other factors. Other factors, such as word meaning, context, pragmatics, encyclopedic knowledge and working memory, will also affect the choice of fuzzy subordination.
Fish, haha