LaTeX typesetting format is adopted as the standard document format by many authoritative academic institutions in the world. All kinds of mathematical journals and papers submission and arrangement software that were set as standards at international mathematical conferences were listed as standards in the well-known international mathematical journal Group Theory, and LaTeX file was set as the standard paper submission format. The American Mathematical Association (AMS) even set all its periodical papers as LaTeX.
But for the beginners of Tex(LaTex), the entry threshold for learning to use its software is too high, which makes many beginners daunting.
This article is taken from the China Forum on Operational Research? Thesis writing? How to learn and master TeX(LaTeX) zz quickly
Website: http:/ tid = 2032 & ampfpage = 1 & amp; sid=tIPXf 1
I hope it will be helpful to those who study Tex.