First of all, China scientist Wang wrote a paper, put forward "suggestions on detecting neutrinos" and conceived a detection method. This is 1942. Wang is very young and in his prime. His suggestion was accepted by an American scientist. Experiments show that the lost energy is indeed taken away by neutrinos.
After a long search, in 1956, American scientists Kevin and Raines announced that they had captured neutrinos. They made a big detector and buried it in the underground of the nuclear reactor. After a long time, they detected the neutrino beam released by the nuclear reactor.
More than ten years later, people captured neutrinos from space. Scientists made a barrel with a diameter of 6 meters and buried it in a deep gold mine, forming a "neutrino telescope", which also captured neutrinos.
The mysterious neutrino finally appeared, however, scientists still did not fully see its true face, leaving some new mysteries that are difficult to solve.