When Wang was young, he was enlightened and remembered. At the age of seven, he entered school. At the age of fourteen, he entered Luyan Township School, Jinxi City Hall and Yueqing County to study classics and history. His poems are very famous.
At the age of nineteen, he wrote a famous sentence, "Beidou City is more vigorous, and Dongou Mountain and Water are bright." His talent shocked the poetry circles in southern Zhejiang.
At the age of 33, Wang founded Meixi Academy in his hometown as a disciple and entered imperial academy the following year. Due to the political corruption in the Southern Song Dynasty at that time, the treacherous court official Qin Gui acted arbitrarily, and the examination hall was dark, which tried every time.
In the 25th year of Shaoxing (1 155), Qin Gui died of illness. In the twenty-seventh year of Shaoxing (1 157), 46-year-old Wang was personally promoted to be the first scholar with Zhongxing as his right companion.
In the first year of Longxing (1 163), Zhang Jun suffered a crushing defeat in the Northern Expedition, and many pacifists criticized it. Wang said that the great cause of restoration should not be shaken by one failure, which was not adopted. He has made outstanding achievements in disaster relief and evil elimination in Zhirao, Lake and other States.
The main road lasted for four years (1 168), and Wang was used as the whole state.
In the winter of five years (1 169), Wang stepped down.
In the seventh year of the main road (1 17 1), Wang was appointed as Prince Zhan, and immediately became an official with a bachelor's degree from Longtuge. On the third day of July (August 6th), Wang died at his home in Yueqing County at the age of 60.
Extended data:
Wang's personal works
There are more than 100 poems by Wang 1.7, 7 poems, 46 memorials, and more than 4 articles by 1.4, including notes, prefaces and postscripts, books, revelations, papers, suggestions, poems, epitaphs, memorials and hymns. , all included in the collected works of Mr. Mei Xi. In addition, there are 8 lectures on Chunqiu and The Analects of Confucius.
The Complete Works of Wang 20 12 was published by Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House.
Baidu encyclopedia-Wang