×× No.4 Song, 1.5 times the line spacing× No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song.
1.1××××× (as the secondary title of the text, use No.4 bold and bold).
1. 1. 1 ×××× (as the third-level title of the text, it is bold with small 4, not bold).
2 ×××××××××× (for example, the title of Chapter II of the text is bold with small No.3, and the spacing between the upper and lower parts is: 0.5 lines before the paragraph and 0.5 lines after the paragraph).
Note: 1. The fonts of tables and illustrations in this paper are No.5 Song;
Please copy the format of each page of the text based on this page.
(2 blank lines)
Conclusion (small 3 bold, center)
×× 4th Song Style, 1.5 times line spacing× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style× 4th Song Style ×× 4th Song Style ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××
(2 blank lines)
Thank you (small three bold, center)
×× No.4 Song, 1.5 times the line spacing× No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song × No.4 Song.
(2 blank lines)
Reference essay (small No.3 bold, center)
1×××××××× (No.4 Song, Row spacing18 lbs) ××××××××/kloc-0 /×104×106×106×/kloc-0. kloc-0/06× 106× 106× 106× 106× 106× 106× 106× 106× 106× 106× 106× 106× 106× 108
2 ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××
3 ××××××××××××××××××××××
For example:
1 Liu Guojun, Chen Shaoye and Wang Fengzhu. Library catalogue. Version 1. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1957.
2. Chen Yuntai and Qi. Foundation of geophysics. Beijing: Science Press, 1985447.
Flower number 3. On uniform distribution and approximate analysis. Science in China, 1973 (4): 339 ~ 357.
Zhu 4. Research on Invariant Sets of Differential Semi-dynamic Systems: [Dissertation], Beijing: Institute of Mathematical Systems, 1983.
5 Borko H, Bernier C.L. Index concepts and methods. New york: Academic Public Relations, 1978.