Famous ceramic periodicals
1, "Rare Metals" has been included by SCI search, CA, EI, MA and other world-famous retrieval tools. This journal is an academic publication sponsored by China Nonferrous Metals Society, featuring the research, development and smelting of rare metal materials.
Rare Metals mainly reports the latest research results of rare metals and some non-ferrous metals in material development, alloy processing, mineral processing, smelting, physical and chemical analysis and testing, and also reports the development and properties of superconducting materials, semiconductor materials, composite materials, ceramic materials, hydrogen storage materials, magnetic materials and nano materials.
2. Journal of Inorganic Materials (Monthly) was founded in 1986, sponsored by Shanghai Institute of Silicate, China Academy of Sciences, and included in ProQuest database of the United States and Swedish Open Access journal guide. Published by Science Press and edited by Academician Guo Jingkun, the main reports include nano-inorganic materials, functional ceramics (ferroelectric, piezoelectric, pyroelectric, PTC, temperature-sensitive, heat-sensitive and gas-sensitive), high-performance structural ceramics and functional crystal materials.
The latest research results of energy materials, biomaterials, inorganic thin film materials, special glass, environmental materials, special inorganic coating materials and inorganic composite materials, the latest test methods of the properties of the above materials and the new technologies for obtaining the above materials.