The standard format of reference refers to the format of writing papers citing published documents. According to the types of reference materials, it can be divided into monographs [M], conference proceedings [C], newspaper articles [N], journal articles [J], dissertations [D], reports [R], standards [S], patents [P], proceedings [A] and precipitated documents in magazines.
Types of electronic files: database [DB], computer [CP], electronic bulletin [EB], and carrier types of electronic files: Internet [OL], CD [CD], magnetic tape [MT], and disk [DK].
Reference notes of electronic documents
[Identification of file type/carrier type ]: [J/OL] online journals, [EB/OL] online electronic bulletin, [M/CD] CD books, [DB/OL] online database and [DB/MT] tape database.
[serial number] Principal. Title of electronic document [identification and carrier type of electronic document]. The publication or acquisition address, publication update date/citation date of the electronic document.
For example: [12] Wang Mingliang. On the progress of standardized database system engineering of academic journals in China [EB/OL] .5438+0998-08-16/1998-101.
Wanjin Abstract of Journal of China University (1983- 1993). English version [DB/CD] Beijing: China Encyclopedia Publishing House, 1996.
The above contents refer to the standard format of Baidu Encyclopedia-References.