Li Jian, Chen Sumei, Chen Fadi *, et al. 2008. Karyotype and Meiosis Analysis of Six Species of Compositae. Euphytica, 164:293-30 1 (SCI).
Zhang Shumei, Chen Sumei, Chen Fadi *, et al. 2008. Anatomical structure and gravity response of creeping branches of ground-cover chrysanthemum' Yuhua Jinhua'. Plant growth regulation, 56 (2):141-kloc-0/50 (sci
[4] Chen FD, Chen SM, Guo WM.2003. Identification of salt tolerance of three kinds of chrysanthemums. Journal of Horticulture, 6 18: 299-305 (ISTP)
Zhao Haibo, Chen Fude *, Wang, et al. 2008. Study on pollen viability, longevity and pistil receptivity of small inflorescence self-compatibility. Acta Horticultural Sciences, 766 (3): 405-411(ISTP)
[6] Liu, Yang Yanfang, Chen Fadi, Yu Deyue. 2008. Cloning, expression profile analysis and trans-activation characteristics of DREB2 gene in chrysanthemum. Journal of Plant Research,121:215-226 (SCI)
Yang Yanfang, Liu, Chen Fadi, Yu Deyue. 2008. Identification and characterization of two chrysanthemum DREB genes in AP2/erebp family. Molecular Biology Report, 36:7 1-8 1 (SCI)
[8], Teng Nianjun, Chen Fadi *, Chen Sumei, Sun, Fang Weimin. Reproductive characteristics of endangered compositae plant Pinus taihangensis endemic to China in 2009. Horticultural Science, 12 1:474-479
Teng Xinjie, Chen Fude *, Fang Weimin, et al. 2008. Detection of genetic variation of regenerated plants from chrysanthemum callus irradiated by 60Co by RAPD. Acta Horticultural Sciences, 766 (3): 415-419 (ISTP)
[10] Chen Sumei, Miao Hengbin, Chen Fadi *, Jiang Beibei, Lu Jungang, Fang Weimin. 2009. Analysis of expression sequence tags of chrysanthemum inflorescence. Reporter of plant molecular biology, doi10.1007/s110/05-009-0103-6 (sci)
[1 1] Gao Juanxu, Fadi Chen *, Chen Sumei. In 2009, transgenic chrysanthemum plants expressing HarpinXOO gene showed induced resistance to Alternaria leaf spot and accelerated development. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology (included by SCI)
Yin Dongmei, Chen Sumei, Chen Fadi *, Zhiyong Guan & For the people. 2009. Morphological and physiological responses of two chrysanthemum varieties with different waterlogging tolerance. Environment and experimental botany, doi:10.10/6/j.envexbot.2009.06.006 (sci).
[13] Tang, Chen Sumei, Chen Fadi * et al. 2009. Intergeneric Hybridization and Intergeneric Relationship of Huang Ju Nationality in Spring. (1) chrysanthemums. ) Bupleurum chinense DC. Euphytica,DOI: 10. 1007/s 1068 1-009-9956-x(SCI)
Jiang Bobai, Chen Sumei, Chen Fadi * et al. 2009. The lateral suppressor gene DgLsL can change the axillary branches of transgenic chrysanthemum by regulating the contents of IAA and GA. Reporter of plant molecular biology, doi10.1007/s110/05-009-0130-3 (sci)
, Chen Fadi *, Chen Sumei, Teng Nianjun, Li. Study on self-fruiting characteristics, meiosis behavior and pollen fertility of five chrysanthemum varieties. Acta Botanica Northwest, 2009,29 (3): 0469-0474.
[16] Zhao Jingyuan, Chen Fadi *, Teng Nianjun, Chen Sumei. Genetic analysis and RAPD markers of creeping of ground cover chrysanthemum. China Agricultural Sciences, 2009,42 (2): 734-741.
Xu Ying, Chen Yu, Chen Fadi *, Chen Sumei. Analysis of cold resistance characteristics of chrysanthemum and determination of evaluation index. China Agricultural Sciences, 2009,42 (3): 974-981.
Xu Yanfei, Chen Fadi *, Teng Nianjun, Chen Sumei, Zhai Lulu. Identification of self-compatibility of chrysanthemum varieties and changes of three protective enzymes activities in style after pollination. Journal of Horticulture, 2009,36 (1): 59-64.
[19] Yin Dongmei, Chen Fadi *, Chen Sumei. Physiological characteristics of five chrysanthemum related species under flooding stress. Journal of Ecology, 29, 2009 (4): 2143-2148.
[20] Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi *, Miao Hengbin, Wai Ming Kwok. Study on cross compatibility and F 1 seed setting characteristics of cultivated chrysanthemum and chrysanthemum. Guangxi Plants, 29, 2009 (2):171–175.
[2 1] Cui Xinli, Chen Fadi *, Chen Sumei. Regeneration of Ground Cover Chrysanthemum and Yuhua Award and Establishment of Genetic Transformation System. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2009,32 (2): 40-46
[22] Zhang Fei, Chen Fadi *, Fang Weimin and Chen Sumei. Representative experiment of core collection of chrysanthemum varieties in China. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2009,32 (2): 47-50.
[23] Wu Guosheng, Chen Fadi *, Chen Sumei, Zhao Hongbo, Fang Weimin. Morphological clustering and genetic relationship analysis of Chrysanthemum and some plants of Chrysanthemum. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 32, 2009 (1):155-159.
[24] Jia Sizhen, Fang Weimin, Chen Fadi, Chen Sumei, Yang. Screening and comprehensive evaluation of heat tolerance indexes in Xia Ju. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College, 26, 2009 (1): 52-57.
[25] Yang Zaiqiang, Chen Fadi, Gu. Prediction model of dry matter production and distribution of multi-stem cut chrysanthemum in greenhouse based on light and temperature. Journal of Ecology, 29, 2009 (3):1478-1485.
[26] Sun, Chen Fadi, Fang Weimin, Liu, Teng Nianjun, She. Cytological mechanism of hybrid reproductive disorder between cultivated chrysanthemum' Olympic angel' and wild chrysanthemum. China Agricultural Sciences, 2009,42 (6): 2085-2091.
[27] Miao Hengbin, Chen Fadi *, Zhao Hongbo, Fang Weimin. Genetic diversity analysis and fingerprint construction of 25 ISSR Xiao Ju varieties. China Agricultural Sciences, 2008,41(11): 3735-3740.
[28] Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi *, Fang Weimin, Wai Ming Kwok, Xie Wei. Using chrysanthemum to obtain new germplasm of chrysanthemum. China Agricultural Sciences, 2008,41(7): 2077 ~ 2084.
[29] Ding Ling, Chen Fadi *, Teng Nianjun, Fang Weimin. Genetic diversity analysis of peroxidase and esterase isoenzymes in chrysanthemum cultivars. China Agricultural Sciences, 2008,41(4):1142 ~1150.
Li Xinlei, Chenfadi *, Zhao Hongbo. Performance of some floral organ traits in interspecific hybrids of chrysanthemum. China Agricultural Sciences, 2008,41(3): 786 ~ 794.
[3 1] Jiang Beibei, Fang Weimin, Chen Fadi, Zhao Hongbo, Gu. Effects of vegetative growth days on bud differentiation and quality of cut chrysanthemum. China Agricultural Sciences, April 20081(6):1755 ~1760.
Yang Zaiqiang, Chen Fadi, Gu, Li Xiangmao, Ding Qifeng, Zhao Caibiao, Lu Yafan. Development simulation and harvest prediction model of standard cut chrysanthemum in greenhouse. China Agricultural Sciences, 2007,40 (6):1229 ~1238.
[33] Zhang Yun, Wai Ming Kwok, Chen Fadi, Han Liang, Li Zhengming. Petal microsomal membrane of N- lauroyl ethanolamine during the opening and senescence of carnation. China Agricultural Sciences, 2007,40 (10): 2303 ~ 2308.
[34] Xu Ying, Chen Fadi *. Low-temperature semi-lethal temperature and cold-resistance adaptability of eight chrysanthemum varieties. Journal of Horticulture, 2008,35 (4): 559 ~ 564
Li Xinlei, Chenfadi *, Zhao Hongbo. Study on the compatibility of distant hybridization of chrysanthemum. Journal of Horticulture, 2008,35 (2): 257 ~ 262
Chang Li, Chen Fadi *, Zhao Hongbo, Chen Sumei. Karyotype diversity of 17 cultivated in Xiao Ju. Journal of Horticulture, 2008,35 (L): 71~ 80.
[37] Miao Hengbin, Chen Fadi *, Zhao Hongbo. ISSR analysis of genetic relationship of 85 chrysanthemum varieties. Journal of Horticulture, 2007,34 (5):1243 ~1248.
Chang Li, Chen Fadi *, Zhao Hongbo, Fang Weimin. Study on the nuclear morphology of 14 cut chrysanthemum. Journal of Horticulture, 2007,34 (5):1235 ~1242.
Cui Naxin, Chen Fadi *. Preliminary study on meiosis behavior of several chrysanthemums and their interspecific hybrids. Journal of Horticulture, 2006,33 (5):1033 ~1038.
Chen Fadi, Jiang Jiafu, Wai Ming Kwok. Study on suspension cell culture and plant regeneration in Xiao Ju. Journal of Horticulture, 2006,33 (5):1021~1026.
[4 1] Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi *, Fang Weimin. Advances in protoplast fusion of compositae plants. Journal of Horticulture, 2006,33 (4): 908 ~ 914.
[42] Chen Fa-di, Jiang Jia-fu, et al. The performance of some flower organ characters of. F 1 generation in Xiao Ju. Journal of Horticulture, 2003,30 (2):175 ~182.
[43] Li Xinlei, Chen Fadi *. Embryo rescue of interspecific hybrid between diploid wild species and cultivated chrysanthemum. Forestry Science, 2006,42 (11): 42 ~ 46.
Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi *, Wai Ming Kwok, Miao Hengbin, Chang Li, Fang Weimin. Identification and taxonomic significance of interspecific hybrids between Chrysanthemum and Chrysanthemum. Acta Botanica, 2007,45 (5): 661~ 669.
Chang Qingshan, Chen Fadi *, Teng Nianjun, Zhang Shumei, Lu Jungang, Chen Sumei. Comparison of chlorophyll content and structural characteristics of different types of leaves of chrysanthemum yellow-green mutant. Acta Botanica Northwest, 2008,28 (9):1772 ~1777.
Ding Ling, Chen Fadi *, Fang Weimin. Isozyme analysis of genetic diversity of 27 materials from 8 species of chrysanthemum. Acta Botanica Northwest, 2007,27 (2): 0249 ~ 0256.
Wang Hong, Chen Fadi *, Fang Weimin, Zhao Hongbo. Effect of Pingyangmycin on in vitro culture of Xiao Ju varieties. Acta Botanica Northwest, 2007,27 (4): 0693 ~ 0698.
Yang Zaiqiang, Chen Fadi, Gu, Ding Qifeng, Mo Dan and Jiang Beibei. Prediction model of the influence of stem number per unit area in greenhouse on the quality of standard cut chrysanthemum. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2008, 19(3): 575~582.
[49] Jiang Beibei, Fang Weimin, Chen Fadi, Gu. Effect of the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the growth and development of cut chrysanthemum' Shenma'. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College, 2008,25 (6): 692-697.
Teng Nianjun, Chen Fadi *, Ma Xu, Hou Xilin. Studies on megasporogenesis, female gametophyte and embryo development of chrysanthemum morifolium. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University. 2008,3 1 (4): 32-36。
[5 1], Chen Fadi *, Cui Naxin, Gu. Study on hybridization, self-pollination and free pollination of six lotus varieties. Acta agriculturae shanghai, 2008,24 (3): 61~ 64.
[52] Ding Ling, Chen Fadi *, Teng Nianjun, Fang Weimin and Zhao Jingyuan. Isozyme analysis of chrysanthemum indicum and different chrysanthemums. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2008,31(3): 37 ~ 42
Mo Dan, Chen Fadi, Xu Yingchun, Fang Weimin, Gu, Zhu Zhongya. Effects of planting date and coring times on flowering of potted Xia Ju with small flowers. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2008,365,438+0 (3): 565,438+0 ~ 54.
[54] Wang Wei, Dai, Chen Fadi, Wai Ming Kwok. Correlation between floral characteristics of chrysanthemum and essential oil components of corolla and flower-visiting insects. Journal of Plant Ecology.2008,32 (4): 776 ~ 785.
[55] Wang Wei, Chen Fadi, Dai. Behavior and activities of flower-visiting insects in Xiao Ju, a suburb of Nanjing. Journal of Ecology, 2008,27 (7):1167 ~1172.
[56] Zhang Fei, Fang Weimin, Chen Fadi, Zhao Hongbo, Jia. Genetic variation and correlation of organ traits of cut chrysanthemum. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College, 2008,25 (3): 293 ~ 297
Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi *, Wai Ming Kwok, Tang Youping, Fang Weimin. Preliminary study on the compatibility of spring hybridization between Chrysanthemum morifolium and some genera in Huang Ju. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, March 20081(2):139 ~143.
Mo Dan, Chen Fadi, Xu Yingchun, Fang Weimin. Effect of temperature on flower bud differentiation and flowering of Xia Juhua floret. Journal of Jiangxi Agriculture, 2008,20 (5): 27 ~ 29.
[59] Wu Guosheng, Chen Fadi *, Chen Sumei, Zhao Hongbo and Fang Weimin. Study on the genetic relationship between some chrysanthemum plants and chrysanthemum based on PCR-RFLP polymorphism. Jiangsu agricultural sciences, 2008, 2:58~6 1.
[60] Mo Dan, Chen Fadi, Xu Yingchun, Fang Weimin, Jiang Beibei. Effect of temperature on flower bud differentiation and flowering of early Italian safflower in Xiao Ju during the National Day. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences, 2008, 1: 105 ~ 108.
[6 1] Chen Fadi, Zhao Hongbo, Chang Li, Chen Sumei, Fang Weimin. Advances in cytology and molecular cytogenetics of chrysanthemum. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2008,31(1):18 ~ 65438+.
[62] Li Xinlei, Chen Fadi *. Preliminary study on self-incompatibility of chrysanthemum. Wuhan Plant Research, 2007,25 (6): 591~ 595.
[63] Chen Sumei, Chen Fadi *, Zhao Hongbo, Fang Weimin. Genetic relationships of several taxa of Chrysanthemum based on rpl 16-rpl 14 and GS sequences. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences, June 2007:11~.
[64] Ren Guangbing, Fang Weimin, Jia Sizhen and Chen Fadi. Pollen quantity and germination characteristics of plum blossom in vitro. Acta agriculturae shanghai, 2007,23 (4): 42 ~ 46.
Miao Hengbin, Chen Fadi *, Fang Weimin. Establishment and optimization of ISSR reaction system for chrysanthemum. Jiangsu agricultural sciences, 2007, 5: 94~97.
Cui Naxin, Chen Fadi *, Zhao Hongbo. Observation on abnormal meiosis of several chrysanthemums and their interspecific hybrids. Guangxi plants, 27, 2007 (5): 676 ~ 681
Yang Zaiqiang, Chen Fadi, Gu, Li Xiangmao, Ding Qifeng, Zhao Caibiao, Lu Yafan. Study on prediction model of leaf area of standard cut chrysanthemum in greenhouse. China Agricultural Sciences, 2007,40 (11): 2569 ~ 2574.
Yang Na, Wai Ming Kwok, Chen Fadi, Fang Weimin. Effects of photoperiod on flower bud differentiation and flowering of autumn chrysanthemum variety' Shenma'. Journal of Horticulture, 2007,34 (4): 965 ~ 972
[69] Zhou Cailian, Wai Ming Kwok, Chen Fadi, Gu, Zhu Zhongya, Shi Helin, Ma. Study on inhibition of leaf senescence of cut chrysanthemum by 1-MCP treatment. Jiangsu Agricultural Sciences, 2007, 4: 2 13~2 15.
Wang Yanfang, Fang Weimin, Chen Fadi, Zhao Hongbo, Liu Zaochang. In vitro conservation and genetic stability of' Shenma' chrysanthemum. Acta Botanica Northwest, 2007,27 (7):1341~1348.
[7 1] Yang Zaiqiang, Chen Fadi, Gu, Li Xiangmao, Ding Qifeng, Zhao Caibiao, Lu Yafan. Dry matter production and distribution model of standard cut chrysanthemum in greenhouse. China Agricultural Sciences, 2007,40 (9): 2028 ~ 2035.
[72] Zhao Hongbo, Fang Weimin and Chen Fadi *. Study on pollen germination and pollen tube growth of Prunus mume. Plants in Guangxi, 2007,27 (3): 393 ~ 396
[73] Li Xiangmao, Chen Fadi, Gu,. Effects of planting date and planting density on appearance quality of single chrysanthemum in greenhouse. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007,18 (5):1055 ~1060.
[74] Yang Zaiqiang, Chen Fadi, Gu, Li Xiangmao, Ding Qifeng, Zhao Caibiao and Lu Yafan. Quality prediction model of standard cut chrysanthemum in greenhouse based on light and temperature. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007, 18(4): 877~882.
[75] Li Xinlei, Chen Fadi *. Difficulties in interspecific hybridization of several chrysanthemum plants and their overcoming. Forestry scientific research, 20, 2007 (1):139 ~142.
Ding Ling, Chen Fadi *, Teng Nianjun, Fang Weimin. Comparison of peroxidase and esterase isoenzymes in different organs of chrysanthemum at different growth stages. Acta Botanica Northwest, 2007,27 (10): 2029 ~ 2034.
Wang Hong, Chen Fadi *, Zhao Hongbo, Fang Weimin. Mutagenic effect of Pingyangmycin on Italian red potted in Xiao Ju. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2007,30 (1): 39 ~ 43.
Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi *, Fang Weimin. Comparison of methods for detecting pollen viability of chrysanthemum. Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College, 2006,23 (4): 406 ~ 409
Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi * et al. Application of gene transfer technology in resistance breeding of ornamental plants. Guangxi Plants, 2006,26 (3): 289 ~ 296
[80] Xu Guobin, Chen Fadi, etc. Effects of different pruning methods on the quality of potted poinsettia. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2006.
[8 1] Xu Guobin, Luo Weihong, Chenfadi, et al. Effects of temperature and radiation on the growth and main quality indexes of Poinsettia. Acta Horticultural Sciences, 2006,33 (1):168 ~171.
Chen Fadi, Zhao Hongbo, Fang Weimin, Wai Ming Kwok. Advances in protoplast research of compositae. Journal of Northwest Botany, 2005; 25(9): 19 13~ 1920
Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi, et al. Tissue culture and rhizome induction of iris tectorum. Journal of Horticulture, 2005,32 (3): 556
Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi *, Fang Weimin. Study on Pollen Germination of Cultivated Xiao Ju and Several Chrysanthemums in Vitro. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2005,28 (2): 22 ~ 27.
Li Xinlei, Chen Fadi, etc. Identification of interspecific hybrids of chrysanthemum. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2005,28 (1): 24 ~ 28.
Li Xinlei, Chen Fadi *. Application of biotechnology in flower genetics and breeding. Plants in Guangxi, 2005,25 (2):134 ~141.
Zhao Hongbo, Chen Fadi *, Fang Weimin. Tissue culture of chrysanthemum. Plant physiology communications, 2004,40 (5): 578.
Jiang Jiafu, Di *, Fang Weimin. Study on Radiation Biological Effects of Self-bred Seeds in Xiao Ju. Journal of Nuclear Agronomy, 2004, 18(6):43 1~434.
Li Xinlei, Chen Fadi *. RAPD analysis of wild species, cultivated species and interspecific hybrids of chrysanthemum. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2004,27 (3): 29 ~ 33
[90] Li Xinlei, Chen Fadi * et al. Research progress of chrysanthemum germplasm resources and genetic improvement. chinese bulletin of botany, China, 2004,21(4): 392 ~ 401.
Li Xinlei, Chen Fadi *. Preliminary study on the ways of seedling formation during embryo rescue of interspecific hybrid chrysanthemum. Chinese bulletin of botany, China, 2004,21(3): 337 ~ 341.
Zhao Hongbo, Chenfadi *. Study on genetic transformation of plant somatic protoplasts. Acta Botanica Northwest, 2004,24 (7):1329 ~1341.
[93] Li Xinlei, Chen Fadi *, Wang Hong, Fang Weimin and Guan Zhiyong. Study on regeneration system of chrysanthemum explants. Acta agriculturae shanghai, 2004,20 (2):13 ~16.
Chen Fadi, Jiang Jiafu, Wai Ming Kwok. Preliminary study on radiation breeding of suspension cells in Xiao Ju. Selection of genotypes, explants and callus induction media. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2003,26 (4): 26 ~ 29.
[95] Zhao Yunpeng, Chen Fadi, Wai Ming Kwok. Research progress in color genetic engineering of ornamental plants. Chinese bulletin of botany, China, 2003,20 (1): 51~ 58.
[96] Chen Fadi, Teng Nianjun, Fang Weimin, Guan Zhiyong. Study on radiation effect of callus from flower organs of three chrysanthemum varieties. Journal of Central South Forestry College, 2003.23(5):49~52
Teng Nianjun, Chen Fadi *. Study on tissue culture of Chrysanthemum morifolium. Plant physiology communications, 2003,39 (3): 227 ~ 227.
[98] Jiang Jiafu, Chen Fadi *, et al. Study on genetic variation of some characters in Xiao Ju hybrid offspring. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University, 2003,26 (2):11~15.