1. Xiong X, Qi X, Ge Xiaomei, Gu P, Zhao J, Zhao, * Gao X.(2007) A new glycosylation-deficient Phex mutation leads to hypophosphatemia and rickets in mice. Journal of Biomedical Science, in press.
2. Sha Haibo, Xu Jun, Tang Jun, Ding Jun, Gong, Ge Xiaomei, Comte, * Gao. (2007) The destruction of a new regulatory site leads to the decrease of Bdnf expression, obesity and type 2 diabetes in mice. Physiological genomics, in press.
3. Qi X, Yang G, Yang L, Lan Y, Weng T, Wang J, Wu Z, Xu J, * Gao X, * Yang X .(2007)Smad 4 plays an important role in maintaining the proliferation of cardiomyocytes during the development of mouse embryonic heart. Dev Biol, in press
4. Ceng Hong, Zhai, Fu Guangping, Chen, Gao, Xu, Lin, Wen RR(2007)bcl 10 phosphorylation negatively regulates NF-kB activation mediated by T cell receptor. Molecular Cell Biology, 27:5235-45
5. Liu X, Chen Y, Zhang F, Chen L, Ha T, Gao X, Li C. Synergistic therapeutic effects of vascular endothelial growth factor 165 and angiopoietin-1 on ischemic myocardium in rats. Scand Cardiovascular Journal April 2007; 4 1(2):95- 10 1.
B. books and reviews:
1. Gao Xiang: Application of chemical mutagenesis and analysis in mouse disease research, in Genetically Engineered Mice, p95-1/5, edited by Fu, Shanghai Science and Technology Press.
2. Gao Xiang, Chi Huimei: Origin and Evolution of Life, p92-97;; ; Gao Xiang: Application of Biotechnology in Medicine, p 1 18- 126, Introduction to Biomedicine, edited by Wu Guanling, People's Health Publishing House.
3. Advanced transgenic and gene targeting methods by Gao X, Kemper A and Popko B. (1999). Neurochemistry. Resolution No.24: 1 18 1-8