1. 1 Correctly treat the writing and publication of scientific papers.
1.2 correctly handle the relationship between doing experiments and writing papers.
1.3 What is a scientific paper?
1.4 new forms of scientific papers
1.5 writing characteristics of scientific papers
1.6 general format of scientific papers
refer to
Chapter II Title Writing
2. 1 Capitalization format of letters in the title
2.2 the topic should be correct.
2.3 The title should be concise and to the point.
2.4 Abbreviations and chemical formulas in titles
2.5 The title should contain keywords.
2.6 Subtitle (Subtitle)
2.7 the structure of the title
2.8 Title Title (running title or title running title)
2.9 Graded Title
refer to
Chapter III Author's Signature and Signature Writing
3. 1 First author
3.2 correspondent
3.3 Author unit
refer to
The fourth chapter is the writing of abstracts and keywords.
4. Writing principles of1abstract
4.2 Tenses of English abstracts
4.3 Voice of English Summary
4.4 Keywords
refer to
Chapter five: Introduction.
5. 1 Background introduction of research field
5.2 Review of related literature
5.3 Point out the problem
5.4 Briefly describe the paper work
5.5 Introduce an example
refer to
Chapter six: The writing of the experimental part.
6. 1 writing skills
6.2 structure
6.3 Example of Experimental Parts
refer to
Chapter 7 Writing and Discussion of Results
7. 1 writing skills
7. 1. 1 How to write the result part?
7. 1.2 Writing of the discussion section
7. 1.3 The result is written together with the discussion.
7. 1.4 The results and discussion are written separately.
7.2 Results and discussion examples
refer to
The eighth chapter is the conclusion writing.
refer to
Chapter 9: Writing of Confirmation Letter
refer to
Chapter 10 Writing of References
Drawing of illustrations in chapter 1 1
Chapter 12 Table Design
Chapter 13 Words, phrases and sentences commonly used in scientific paper writing
Chapter 14 case analysis of scientific papers
refer to
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