Rigid is more cruel. A maid-in-waiting who receives this punishment must stand to the north first, and then bend over and straighten her arms to hold her feet. At this point, her knees can't bend. The maid-in-waiting should keep this posture of bending over straight knees and pulling her feet for at least an hour or two. If the female officer who supervises the punishment is in a bad mood or doesn't like the punished maid-in-waiting, the punishment time is likely to be extended. Generally, ladies-in-waiting who are punished by this penalty rarely stand up, either faint or fall to the ground in a coma.
In addition, the ladies-in-waiting of the Ming Dynasty may be punished by Dunsuo. Dunso is actually to lock up the little black room and lock up the maids. For a few days, she won't get water or food until the maid-in-waiting is starving. Will give her something to eat, to ensure that she will not die, but the punishment for Dunso is not so simple, because the executive female officer will continue to lock her up, not eating or drinking, and so on, until the end of the punishment time. Therefore, the pier lock is actually a cruel punishment, and ladies-in-waiting often suffer both physical and psychological torture.
Therefore, it's really hard for ladies-in-waiting. Among thousands of ladies-in-waiting, only a few people can serve concubines and emperors at close range, or be reused by concubines, or become concubines themselves. Most ladies-in-waiting still live at the bottom of the deep palace. Every day, they study palace rules except working. Once they make mistakes, they will be punished cruelly. After a long time, the ladies-in-waiting with their own characteristics and intelligence will become as if they were copied machines, which is creepy.