Title (title)
Abstraction (abstraction)
Keywords (keywords)
Terminology (glossary)
Introduction (introduction)
Method (method)
Result (result)
Discussion (discussion)
Conclusion (conclusion)
Confirmation (acknowledgement)
Reference (citation)
Appendix (appendix)
Among them, title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references and other eight contents are essential (other contents depend on specific needs). Among these eight contents, the titles, abstracts and introductions are the most widely read, and readers will decide whether to read the full text according to these contents. In other words, how many readers a research paper wins depends largely on how well the title, abstract and introduction are written. Therefore, these three contents will be introduced in detail in each chapter.
The text of an academic paper generally includes three parts: method, result and discussion. These three parts mainly describe the specific content and methods of the research topic, the equipment, instruments and conditions used in the research process, and truthfully publish relevant data and research results. The conclusion is a general discussion of the full text or related research topics. It is strictly scientific and objective, embodies the value of a research topic, and puts forward the future research direction.
④ References:
1. In English papers, what should be the author's name in the references? For example, how to write Christine (Christian name), Anne (self name) and Alexander (surname)?
Answer: My thesis instruction manual says that English writers, like China writers, have their surnames first, and then their names. Besides, the name is abbreviated by initials. Just like your name, Alexander C.A.
2. Periodicals are divided into volumes and issues according to time. Volume is a time classification over a period. The "number of periods" here is the number of periods issued in chronological order in 1 year; The "volume" is the chronological number of this publication, which has been accumulated year by year since the year of its publication.