1.** Paper quality * *: This is the most direct factor. If the research design of a paper is good, the experimental results are effective and the writing is clear, then it is more acceptable and has a positive impact on the influencing factors of the meeting.
2.** Innovation * *: The innovation of a paper is the key factor to evaluate its quality. If a research provides a brand-new viewpoint or method, it will be more easily accepted and have a positive impact on the influencing factors of the meeting.
3.** Number of citations * *: For published papers, the number of citations will also affect the impact factor of the meeting. A widely quoted article shows that it has a certain influence in academic circles.
4.** Participation * *: The participation of top researchers and institutions from all over the world, including submitting papers and attending conferences, can also reflect the influence of conferences.
5.** Review process * *: A rigorous and fair review process can ensure the high quality of the hired papers, thus improving the impact factor of the conference.
6.** Topic popularity * *: If the research topic of the paper is a hot topic in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition, then such a paper may attract more attention and citation.
Generally speaking, an excellent CVPR paper needs strong originality, rigorous scientific methods and effective experimental results, and also contributes to computer vision, pattern recognition and other fields.