Explicit quotation refers to quoting the original text directly with quotation marks, or only quoting the main idea of the original text without quotation marks, but indicating the source of the original text. Dark quotation refers to weaving the quotation into your own words, without explaining the source of the quotation, without quoting the original sentence, or only quoting the general idea. The use of quoted figures of speech can not only make the article concise, but also help to reason and express feelings, increase literary talent and enhance expressive force.
Footnotes and endnotes of extended information are supplementary explanations to the text. Footnotes are generally located at the bottom of the page and can be used as comments on the contents of the document; Endnotes are generally located at the end of the document, listing the source of quotations, etc.
Footnotes and endnotes are composed of two related parts, including annotation reference marks and their corresponding annotation texts. Users can use Word to automatically number labels or create custom labels. When you add, delete, or move automatically numbered annotations, Word renumbers the annotation reference marks.
Baidu encyclopedia-footnote