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Download and install node.js (note operating system, 32-bit, 64-bit). After the installation is completed, check whether the installation is successful: cmd, enter node -v to display the installation version information, and the installation is successful, as shown in the following figure:
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Install JDK configuration environment variables
JDK installation and environment variable setting.
Download eclipse (note the operating system, 32-bit, 64-bit), Mars version.
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Configure Android SDK environment
Download the Android SDK, and the download address is www.androiddevtools.cn, as shown in the following figure:
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Install 17 or above api, as shown in the following figure:
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The emulator chooses to install the Android operating system, as shown in the following figure:
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Configure environment variables
A> add a new variable: ANDROID_HOME, and set the value to the installation directory: l for example, E:\android-sdk.
New parameter in the b> path:% Android _ home% \ Tools% Android _ home% \ Platform-Tools
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Verify that the configuration was successfully installed.
Cmd: enter android to pop up the SDK manager window.
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ADT installation
Open eclipse, help & gt install new software, and enter /android/eclipse.
It will take a long time to download, or you can consider downloading and installing it locally directly, as shown in the following figure:
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After the installation is completed, restart Eclipse, as shown in the following figure:
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Install Appium and download it: http://appium.io, as shown in the following figure:
1 1
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Set environment variables
The environment variable PATH has been added to the Appium directory and its bin directory: for example
APPIUM_HOME: E:\App\Appium
Path: %APPIUM_HOME%\node_modules\ box
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Run Appium-doctor to verify that all Appium dependencies are configured correctly.