How soon can periodical papers be uploaded to China Knowledge Network;
1, HowNet is one of the most authoritative databases in China. In the publication of thesis title and graduation thesis, HowNet retrieval is one of the basic requirements of thesis publication. HowNet retrieval is not random retrieval, so the author needs to pay special attention to three aspects: one is whether the journal is a HowNet retrieval publication, and the other is the writing quality of the article.
2. It takes some time to retrieve HowNet, depending on the specific publication. Generally speaking, it takes about 1-2 months to retrieve most papers, that is, after the papers are published, magazines submit electronic papers to HowNet, and after a certain period of time, the articles will be retrieved and included. The retrieval speed is also related to the submission time of periodicals. If the periodical is submitted early, the efficiency of retrieving articles will be higher. On the contrary, the author needs to wait more time.