For example, if you find a job in an enterprise after graduating from college, and you can only work in this enterprise, you will never change this job in your life. However, this enterprise is not well run, and there are always enterprise leaders and individuals who have good relations with leaders who embezzle the property of enterprises and employees. Every year, many model workers are appraised by enterprises, and the leaders call on all employees to look up to them. Although most workers have a bad life, they still meet the so-called "model workers" who have been rated. Leaders, big and small, say one thing and do another. In this enterprise, 99.999% of the leaders are serving a project called perpetual motion machine. They called on all the workers to work hard to complete the work arranged by the leaders regardless of personal gains and losses, so as to complete the "perpetual motion machine" project.
You are just a pawn in this project, but you put forward a different point of view from the leader. The leader will ask the security guard to lock you up and let you reflect. I won't let you out until you have to communicate and raise no objection. Later, you figured it out. In order to survive, like all employees in the enterprise, you followed this leader to the south, and on the way to the south, the leader always told you that the "North" side is a good place and the "perpetual motion machine" is there. Enterprise employees dare to be angry and dare not speak.
College students ask you, will such an enterprise have a future? What's the problem? Is it a leader? Is it the direction of the road? This project doesn't exist at all?
Now this enterprise has existed for more than 60 years, and now its employees are working hard. This is a lack of interest in yourself and the future of the company.
So how to change this situation? Let me make a suggestion for your reference. 1 change business leaders; 2 enterprises return to the right path.
Don't waste money on the perpetual motion machine project, and propose a new realizable project.
In this way, the enterprise will definitely become the first enterprise in the world. If you don't change the old three things, you will have the ability to "day by day"
It's no use.