Such an example makes me think deeply. When I do problems, I always have no clue, cling to one method, and never think about solving problems in another way; Hearing my parents' nagging and teachers' criticism, I always complain blindly, without thinking about the expectations and efforts of my parents and teachers; When I find the indifference of the world, I always see the complexity and unfairness of society. I never remember more kind people and light in society. It turns out that looking at the world from another angle will be very different.
I try to look at people and things around me in different ways. I find math problems much easier; I am very touched that my parents care so much about me; I saw people on the bus give their seats to pregnant women and old people ... From another perspective, the world I live in is so wonderful.
So, when I heard my friends complain, I asked them to change their eyes; When I saw some parents reprimanding their children for nothing, I advised them to change their eyes; When I found out that my mother said that the food was not edible now, I reminded my mother to look at it from another angle. ...
From another perspective, the society is bright and everyone is kind and optimistic; Life is beautiful and peaceful, and everything is fun; Fate is fair, and everyone has his own strengths. ...
Let's look at things and people from a different angle, and there will be new discoveries, new gains and new insights. ...