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5. Zhang Guoping, Liu Congqiang, Yang Yuangen and Wu Pan. Geochemical characteristics of water environment in typical mines in Guizhou. Bulletin of Mineral Rock Geochemistry, 2005,24 (Supplement): 339.
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10. Zhang Guoping, Liu Congqiang, Yang Yuangen, Wu Pan. Distribution characteristics of heavy metals in river water of several typical metal mining areas in Guizhou Province. Earth and Environment, 2004,32 (1): 82-85.
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13. Zhang Guoping, Liu Congqiang and Wu Pan. Some chemical characteristics of leaching solution from tailings pond of Wanshan mercury mine in Guizhou. The 6th National Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry (Guiyang), 2002, p. 79.
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17. Liu Hong, Zhang Guoping, Liu Congqiang. Determination of chloramphenicol and three tetracycline antibiotics in water, sediment and soil by solid phase extraction-chromatography. Analytical Chemistry, 2007,35 (3): 315-319.
18. Hu Jun, Zhang Gang, Liu Chunqing. Preliminary study on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface soil of Guiyang city. Bulletin of Environmental Pollution and Toxicology, 2006, 76( 1): 80-89.
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20. Hu Jian, Zhang Guoping and Liu Congqiang. Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air by solid phase extraction column purification-liquid chromatography. Earth and Environment, 2004,32 (3): 94-97.