Because academic papers are the results of long-term research, plagiarism of academic papers is even more disgusting. Generally, if plagiarism or ghostwriting is found, students' graduation qualification will be revoked directly. It is said that plagiarism of academic papers will be added to credit records in the future. I think this way can avoid plagiarism very well. After all, if it was before, many graduates would still write papers with luck. Maybe they will feel that there is still a chance to make a second change after checking again. If they add credit records,
In fact, not only academic papers and graduation theses, but also many novels in the literary world are plagiarized, so the general readers will not delve into them and it is difficult to protect intellectual property rights, which leads to rampant plagiarism in the writing circle. In fact, no matter what you write, you must ensure your originality, whether it is literature or academic papers. These should be based on literary works that you are willing to write and study, and don't take other people's things for yourself.
I hope that after academic papers enter the credit record, the atmosphere of plagiarism and ghostwriting will be better. The original intention of academic papers is to make students have certain learning achievements and know their major as much as possible. It is right to take thesis as graduation standard. After studying in a university for four years, you really need to understand academic knowledge seriously.