Mouth, representing the heart; Articles also represent the tongue. Although the exhibition is blocked, although the writing is smooth, it is not as good as the tongue. Can things be as good as your heart? So Confucius wrote, "Words are just words." If you can't reach it, you can't tell the difference between words.
The writings of Tang, Yu and three generations are outstanding. People read ancient books, not only familiar with them, but also call them strange, so it is not easy for people to write today. Husband has ancient and modern, and language has ancient and modern. The strange words and expressions spoken by modern people also know that the streets and lanes are not ancient, and they speak lane language. Zuojia is not far from ancient times, but the words in the biography have never been praised in the book. Sima is not far from the left, but the words in the historical records have never been left. As for today, I don't know thousands of years ago. Sima can't be with Zuo Jia, but today he will be with Zuo and Ma. Isn't it ridiculous? During the Jin and Tang Dynasties, after the Song and Yuan Dynasties, there was no shortage of literati, and they did not openly pull ancient prose, so they chose it as their own. Changli is curious about idol dramas like Mao Ying.
Empty 1 I don't know, simulation, also known as "anyway". After the literati, it is written law, respecting a family of three. Anyone who doesn't say a word will be furious and call it "wild heresy." I don't know if it's the same as the simulation, but it's not disgusting to create it by one person. Then it spread to a hundred people, and it became more and more severe, which was not enough. However, there are many articles that are empty, and they are also self-interested. The chronicles are often realistic and especially desirable. The titles of place names are all in chronological order. However, today, I don't think the time system is literary, so I take the title of Qin and Han Dynasties as literary. If the viewer doesn't check the annals (4), he doesn't know the name of the country. Moreover, the good and evil of words lies not in the official title of place names, but in the transcendence of picturesque narration and discussion; But it is said to be the cloud, Xijing ⑤ returned, feudal palace, government office, county, city. Its name is indecent and unruly. Although history has moved back, it cannot become history. Then Shi moved to a better place. He never dreamed of it, but what can Xiao Shi move?
Or: believe that, as children say, there is no need to learn in ancient times? Yu Yue: Ancient prose is valuable, and learning is the so-called learning ancient prose. Learn what it means, not what it says. Today's round neck square robe, so learn the leaves of the ancients to cover the skin; This five tastes bitter, learn from the ancients. What is this? The ancients meant to fill the stomach and cover the body; Today's people also mean to fill their stomachs and cover their bodies, no different. He picked up ancient words and put them in his own author, which is tantamount to putting leather leaves in his clothes and throwing his hair and blood into the vegetable core. Generally speaking, the ancient characters were designed for reaching, but today's characters are designed for not reaching. Learning because you can't reach your goals can be described as a lesson from the past. (According to Yuan Zongdao's paper)
Note ① Kongtong: Li Mengyang,No. Kongtong Zi, was a writer in Ming Dynasty. Anyway: get back on track. Order a: the first law. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty issued decrees, which were divided into Order A, Order B and Order C in turn. (4) annals: books that record national geography. The revision of the Ming Dynasty was called "The Unified Records of Daming". ⑤ Xijing: synonymous with the Western Han Dynasty.
9. Incorrect explanation of the added words in the following sentences (3 points).
A. it means ancient Chinese strange: just.
B: I haven't heard of Xiao Shu. It's similar to Mix.
C. After that, it was passed a hundred times: wait.
D. Don't confuse the words: indulgence.
10. The correct sentence in the underlined part of the text is (3 points).
A. Changli is good/odd/even/such as "Mao Ying". /an impromptu play/other articles.
B Changli is curious/I do it occasionally/such as Mao Ying. /an impromptu play/other articles.
C. Changli is fond of/curious about/occasional about/like Mao Ying/Chuanxi/other articles.
D Changli is curious/occasionally/like Mao Ying/circulating a play/other articles.