With the coming of graduation season, the problem of thesis defense is about to be put on the agenda. The premise of successful defense is that the repetition rate reaches about 30%. If the repetition rate exceeds 30%, you can't take part in the defense, and you must reduce the weight of the paper.
One of the conditions of excellent graduation thesis is that the repetition rate should meet the requirements. Not everyone can apply for excellent graduation thesis. Graduation thesis has certain quota requirements, which require not only repetition rate but also content quality.
Therefore, if students are interested in applying for graduation thesis, the goal must be very clear. When writing his graduation thesis, he must pay attention to the repetition rate of the thesis. In addition, in the process of writing, he should integrate some topics of research significance. A good and excellent graduation thesis requires a lot, not just repetition rate. Excellent graduation thesis, the research content must be valuable, so as to attract others.