What happiness is, it will always be. Hester once heard her voice clearly, much like a bird sipping other noises. With outstanding innocence, she found her baby voice and protested with a group of strong children in all the entanglement! But it may not be.
"As usual, no matter where Hester stood in the little clearing that had formed a kind of magic, she felt deliberately obstructed by another person in the distance and in an adventure.
What happiness is, it will always be. Hester once heard her voice clearly, much like a bird sipping other noises. With outstanding innocence, she found her baby voice and protested with a group of strong children in all the entanglement! But it may not be.
"As usual, no matter where Hester stood in the little clearing that had formed a kind of magic, she felt deliberately obstructed by another person in the distance and in an adventure.
Every gesture, every word, even the silence of those who come into contact with her, implies, and often expresses, that she is exiled, as lonely as she lives in another field, or communicates with nature through other organs and senses rather than other parts of human beings.
How happy it would be if Hester could hear her clear birdsong mingled with other children's voices and distinguish the tone of her own baby from the noise of a group of frolicking children! But this will never happen.
As usual, no matter where Hester stands, there is a small blank space around her-a kind of magic-although people are pushing each other not far away, some people dare to say that they want to squeeze in.
How happy it would be if Hester could hear her clear birdsong mingled with other children's voices and distinguish the tone of her own baby from the noise of a group of frolicking children! But this will never happen.
As usual, no matter where Hester stands, there is a small blank space around her-a kind of magic-although people are pushing each other not far away, some people dare to say that they want to squeeze in.