He Gong Built's major works
Research fields cover particle physics, cosmology and nuclear physics. He has made world-leading first-class work in a series of international frontier directions, including the generation mechanism and universal scale of all basic particle masses, symmetry breaking, top quark physics, Higgs physics and supersymmetric physics, neutrino physics, asymmetric origin of early cosmic matter and antimatter, and so on. Widely quoted by international peers and widely respected. He was invited to give lectures at international conferences many times and was invited by the editor-in-chief of international magazines to write review articles. He has published 76 English papers in international first-class SCI magazines and international conference collections (including 7 papers in the most authoritative international physics magazine "Physical Review Express"), and published 30 SCI English journal papers in recent five years; According to the official records of Spires of Stanford University, his paper has been cited more than 2000 times.