Its main purpose is to save the lives of millions of patients who need organ replacement or transplantation, and a large number of people are waiting for organ replacement every day. Even more troublesome, the host may reject the organ and need to be replaced again. If the patient's own cells can be used for 3D printing of artificial organs, it can help to eliminate transplant rejection and organ defects in the field of transplantation. So far, the complete 3D bioprinted heart has not been successfully made or transplanted.
However, many companies and research teams have turned to a fully functional 3D printing heart. Let's take a look at some of the most promising projects. Dr. WFIRM is actually a well-known director in the field of 3D bio-printing. About a few years ago, his team carried out engineering design. However, there was no 3D printing at that time, and the bladder was transplanted to a living patient. At present, the institute has developed more than 30 different tissues and organs.
In April of 20 18, team WFIRM published a paper describing how they used rat heart cells. In 3D biology, he printed functional and contractile heart tissues. These cells are suspended in bio-ink and printed into structures similar to human heart tissues. Just like in organisms, they can test the effects of hormones such as adrenaline and carbachol.
Whether 3D technology can print the heart is the new hope of mankind, so I will explain it here today.