1. Determine the research objectives and problems: Before literature analysis, you should first make clear your own research objectives and problems, which will help to screen and sort out the data in the subsequent process.
2. Relevant literature retrieval: use various databases and search engines, such as China HowNet, Wanfang, VIP, etc. , to retrieve the literature related to the research topic. At the same time, you can consult academic journals, conference papers, monographs and other different types of documents to obtain more comprehensive information.
3. Reading and screening literature: When reading literature, you should learn to quickly screen out the content closely related to the research topic. By reading the abstract, keywords, introduction and conclusion, we can preliminarily judge the relevance of the literature. For documents that have little to do with the research topic, they can be put on hold for the time being and consulted later when necessary.
4. Extract key information: In the process of reading literature, learn to extract key information, such as author, publication time, research methods, main viewpoints, empirical results, etc. This information will be helpful to the subsequent data analysis and collation.
5. Classification and induction: According to the research topics and problems, classify and summarize the extracted key information. You can use tables, charts and other forms to summarize similar information for subsequent analysis.
6. Analysis and evaluation: analyze and evaluate the classified and summarized information to find out the laws, trends and differences. You can use statistical methods, logical analysis and other means to deeply mine the data.
7. Write a literature review: After finishing the data analysis, you can write a literature review to comprehensively sort out and summarize the research topics. Literature review should include research background, research status, research methods and research results.
8. Update and improve: With the deepening of research, new documents may be found or existing documents need to be revised. Therefore, in the process of literature analysis and collation, we should constantly update and improve our knowledge system.
Pictures in graduation thesis can be sent to sci, provided that the data of sci thesis must be original data made by the author himself or the research g