1, there are generally three kinds. The first kind of Hanfu is the "deep clothes connected together" under the coat. Upper and lower dress system is the most typical one. Because it is connected from top to bottom, it is deeply covered by the body, which is called a deep coat. Including straight clothes, crooked clothes, robes, straight clothes, robes, etc. It belongs to long clothes.
2. The second Hanfu is a "deep coat" system with a coat and a skirt, including coronation and porch. And it is the formal dress for the monarch to attend the grand ceremony such as sacrifice. As the name implies, it is divided into clothes worn on it and clothes worn below. Since ancient times, China has advocated the dress under the coat, stipulating that the dress should be in the right color and the dress should be in the middle color. In other words, the color of the top is correct and pure, while the color of the dress under it is staggered.
3. The third kind of Hanfu is the "dress" system, which mainly includes chest-high dress, high waist dress and double-breasted dress. In fact, it also belongs to the top and bottom skirt system. However, there are not many etiquette rules in this way, which are generally used in conventional clothing. Skirts are also the biggest embodiment of the upper and lower clothing system. "Comb your hair on three sides and dress in two stages" has become a description of the characteristics of traditional women's wear.