It is considered impolite to refuse. For example, if a person invites a gentleman to dinner and the gentleman refuses, the person will feel humiliated and embarrassed. But it's good to refuse.
If we learn to refuse, we will live happily. Throughout the ages, some officials wanted to keep the state property for themselves. Although he knew it was wrong to do so, he did not learn to refuse the temptation of money, and finally went to the point of no return and even sacrificed his precious life. The petty official next to the vault could have secretly taken a few gold coins, but he learned to refuse and withstood the temptation of money. Because of his repeated refusal, he was promoted to a higher position and made a fortune, and his life was very stable.
If we learn to refuse, we will give the bad guys an opportunity. That day, a child walked into a quiet alley. The villain who looks like an uncle smiled and said gently, "I'll give you candy, little friend." Will you eat? " The child hesitated for a moment, but said to eat. Although he knew it might be dangerous, he couldn't resist the temptation because the candy was kidnapped. It's all because I didn't learn to refuse. In the middle of the night, a little girl got lost, and a hideous man came up and said, "Are you lost?"? Let me take you home! " ! I know your father. "The little girl said," no need. "The man tried to cover the girl's nose, but the girl realized the danger and slipped away cleverly.
There are many temptations waiting for us in the world. Let's learn to refuse! Let our life be better!