Zhu Hua, Ge Rongshi. Chaos characteristics of tribology system, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2004,40 (12):10-13 (included in EI).
Zhu Hua, Li Gang, Tang Wei. Study on the effectiveness of root-mean-square measurement in characterizing rough surfaces, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2006,42 (9):140-144 (included in EI).
, Ge, Lv Liang. Evolution of running-in attractor, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2008,44 (3): 99-104 (included in EI).
Zhu Hua, Wu Zhaohong, Ge Rongshi. Study on Wear Failure of Coal Mine Machinery, Journal of Coal, 2006,31(3): 380-385 (included in EI).
Zhu Hua, Ge Rongshi. Study on Fractal Behavior of Friction and Friction Vibration, Journal of Tribology, 2004,24 (5): 433-437 (included in EI).
Zhu Hua, Ge Rongshi. Development of infrared detection and alarm system for mine car, Journal of China University of Mining and Technology, 2002,31(2):166-170 (included in EI).
, Ge, Zuo Ming. Research on infrared detection and counting technology of mine personnel, Journal of China University of Mining and Technology, 2003,32 (2):165-168 (included in EI).