1.APA (American Psychological Association) format:
Author. (year of publication). Title. Publishing house.
Journal articles:
Author. (year of publication). The title of the article. Journal name, volume number (issue number) and page number range.
Network resources:
Author or organization. (year of publication). The title of the article. Website name. Retrieval date, source.
2.MLA (Modern Language Association) format:
Author. Book title. Press, year of publication.
Journal articles:
Author. "The title of the article." Name and volume number of periodical. Issue number, publication year, page number range.
Network resources:
Author or organization. "The title of the article." Website name, publication date and website address.
3. Chicago format:
Author. Book title. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publication.
Journal articles:
Author. "Title of the article." Journal name, volume number and issue number (year of publication): page number range.
Network resources:
Author or organization. "Title of the article." Website name. Date of publication. Date and website of online visit.
Please note that these are only basic reference format templates, and the specific citation rules may vary according to publications and academic fields. When writing a paper, you must follow the specific citation norms in your field.