For additive color combinations, such as overlapping projection lamp or CRT displays, the primary colors commonly used are red, green and blue. For subtractive colors, such as in the mixing of pigments or dyes, such as in printing, the primary colors commonly used are cyan, magenta and yellow, [1], although red, yellow and blue are very popular among artists. [2] See RGB color model, CMYK color model and RYB color model to learn more about these popular primary color sets.
The choice of any primary color is essentially arbitrary; For example, the early color photography process, automatic color change, usually used orange, green and purple primary colors. [3]
The most commonly used additive primary color is the secondary color of the most commonly used subtractive primary color, and vice versa.
Primary color is not the basic property of light, but it is usually related to the physiological reaction of eyes to light. Fundamentally speaking, light is a continuous spectrum of wavelengths that can be detected by human eyes, and it is an infinite dimensional stimulus space. [4] However, the human eye usually contains only three kinds of color receptors, called cones. Each color sensor responds to different ranges of chromatography. Humans and other species with these three color receptors are called trichromatic blindness. These species respond to light stimuli through three-dimensional senses, which can usually be modeled as a mixture of three primary colors. [4]
Before the nature of colorimetry and visual physiology was well understood, scientists such as Thomas Young, James Clark Maxwell and Herman Helmholtz expressed different views on what kind of tricolor should be used to describe the tricolor feeling of eyes. [5] Yang first proposed red, green and purple, and Maxwell changed purple to blue; Helmholtz put forward that "one is purplish red, the other is green, the other is yellowish (the wavelength is about one tenth of 5600 meters), and the other is cyan (about 4820 meters)". [6] According to modern understanding, human cone cells do not correspond to any real primary colors.
Species with different numbers of recipient cell types will have color vision that requires different numbers of primary colors. For example, for a species called four-color receptor, there are four different color receptors, and people will use four primary colors. Because humans can only see 400 nanometers (purple), but four-color blindness can see about 300 nanometers of ultraviolet light, this fourth primary color may be located in a shorter wavelength range.
Many birds and marsupials are four-color animals, and some people think that some human women are also four-color animals [7][8], with additional variants of the long-wave (L) cone type. [9] The peak responses of human color receptors are different, even in individuals with "normal" color vision [10]; In non-human species, this polymorphism variation is even greater, and it is likely to be adaptive [1 1]. Except primates, most mammals have only two color receptors, so they are dichromatic; For them, there are only two primary colors.
It is incorrect to think that the animal (or human) world is "colored" rather than the human standard trichromatic sensor. To an animal (or human) born like this, the world seems normal, but the ability of animals to detect and distinguish colors is different from that of people with normal color vision. If a person and an animal both see a natural color, they think it is natural; However, if two people see the color reproduced by the primary colors, for example, on a color TV screen, humans may see that it matches the natural color, but animals will not; In this sense, the color reproduced by primary colors must be "tuned" to the color vision system of the observer.
The medium that combines the emitted light to create a series of color sensations uses an additive color system. Usually, the primary colors used are red, green and blue. [ 12]
Television and other computers and video displays are common examples of using additive primary colors and RGB color models. The exact color chosen for the primary colors is a technical compromise between available phosphors (including considerations such as cost and power usage) and the need for a large color triangle that allows a large color gamut. ITU-R BT.709-5/sRGB primary election is typical.
CIE 193 1 RGB color triangle with monochromatic primary colors The mixture of red and green light will produce yellow, orange or brown shadows. [13] Mixing green and blue will produce cyan, and mixing red and blue will produce purple, including magenta. Mixing nominally equal proportions of additive primary colors will produce gray or white shadows; The generated color space is called RGB color space.
CIE 193 1 color space defines monochromatic primary colors with wavelengths of 435.8 nm (purple), 546. 1 nm (green) and 700 nm (red). Therefore, the angle of the color triangle is on the spectral trajectory, and the triangle is as large as possible. No real display device uses such primary colors because the extreme wavelengths for purple and red lead to very low luminous efficiency.
Main article: RYB color model
RYB (red, yellow and blue) is a group of subtractive primary colors in history. It is mainly used for art and art education, especially painting. It is earlier than modern scientific color theory.
The standard RYB color wheel RGB constitutes the three primary colors in the standard color wheel; The secondary color VOG (purple, orange and green) constitutes another primary color. The triplet consists of three equidistant colors on a specific color wheel; RYB and VOG are not equidistant on the color wheel with uniform perception, but are defined as equidistant in the RYB color wheel. [ 15]
For a long time, painters have used more than three "primary colors" in the palette-and once thought that red, yellow, blue and green were four primary colors [16]. Red, yellow, blue and green are still widely regarded as four psychological primary colors [17], although red, yellow and blue are sometimes listed as three psychological primary colors [18], and black and white are occasionally added as the fourth and fifth [19].
In the18th century, as theorists realized isaac newton's scientific experiments on light and prism, red, yellow and blue became the standard primary colors-presumably the basic sensory qualities, mixed in the perception of all physical colors, and also mixed in the physical mixture of pigments or dyes. This theory became a dogma, although there is a lot of evidence that the three primary colors of red, yellow and blue can't mix all other colors, and they have survived in the color theory to this day. [20]
Using red, yellow and blue as primary colors will result in a relatively small color gamut, in which, among other problems, it is impossible to mix green, cyan and magenta of colors, because red, yellow and blue are not well spaced around the perceptually uniform color wheel. For this reason, modern three-color or four-color printing processes and color photography all use cyan, yellow and magenta as primary colors. [2 1] Most painters' palettes contain colors that cannot be mixed with yellow, red and blue pigments, so they do not conform to the RYB color model. Some people who use a three-color palette choose cyan, yellow and magenta, which are more evenly spaced by the printer, while others use six or more colors to broaden the color gamut. [22] Cyan, magenta and yellow used in printing are sometimes called "mixed color blue", "mixed color red" and "mixed color yellow" [23]
[Edit] CMYK color mode, or four-color printing
Main article: CMYK color model
In the printing industry, in order to produce different colors, subtractive primary colors cyan, magenta and yellow are used together in different amounts. Before the color names cyan and magenta were widely used, these primary colors were usually called cyan and purple, or blue and red respectively in some circles. With the passage of time, with the use of new pigments and technologies, their exact colors changed. [24]
Subtractive mixing-magenta and cyan primary colors are sometimes called purple and cyan, or red and blue mix yellow and cyan to produce green; The mixture of yellow and magenta produces red, and the mixture of magenta and cyan produces blue. Theoretically, mixing equal amounts of three pigments will produce gray, and when all three pigments are used with sufficient density, they will produce black, but in fact they will produce turbid brown. Therefore, in order to save ink and reduce drying time, besides cyan, magenta and yellow, a fourth pigment, namely black, is usually used.
The resulting model is the so-called CMYK color model. The abbreviation stands for cyan, magenta, yellow and primary colors, and black is called primary color, which is the abbreviation of primary color printing plate that prints artistic details of images, and usually uses black ink. [25]
In fact, actual materials, such as colorant mixtures in paints, are often more complicated. Using natural pigments instead of mixed pigments can produce brighter or more saturated colors, and the natural properties of pigments will interfere with mixing. For example, mixing magenta and green in acrylic acid will produce dark cyan-this will not happen if the mixing process is completely subtractive.
In the subtractive mode, adding white to the color, whether by using less colorant or by mixing reflective white pigment (such as zinc oxide), will not change the hue of the color, but will reduce its saturation. When the surface or paper is white or close to white, subtractive printing works best.
The subtractive color system does not have a simple chromaticity gamut similar to the RGB color triangle, but a gamut that must be described in three dimensions. There are many ways to visualize such a model using various 2D chromaticity spaces or in 3D color spaces.
Notes and references
Matthew Lekish (19 15). Color and its application. D. van nostrum co. Page 58, 22 1. /books? id = 0BgCAAAAYAAJ & amppg=RA 1-PA22 1。 Dq = magenta+cyan+yellow+Date: 0- 1923+ Print & ampas_brr= 1.
Chris Grimley and Mimi Love (2007). Color, space and style: all the details that interior designers need to know but can never find. Lockport press. Page 137. ISBN 978 1592532278。 /books? id = uVxa-_ n4lq 4c & amp; pg=PA 137。 Dq = ryb+ color+model+paint & amplr = & ampas _ brr = 3 & ampei = afbasq-1ay6glqthiaytaq # v = onepage &; q = ryb % 20 color % 20 model % 20 paint & amp; F = false.
Walter Hynes Page and Arthur Wilson Page (1908). World Works: Volume 15: The History of Our Times. Two-day publishing company Company. /books? id = hkpvxxgbn 1oC & amp; pg=PA9508。 Dq = automatic color change+orange+purple+green & ampas_brr= 1.
Michael Suo Beier (1989). Light. University of Chicago Press. Page 52-62. ISBN 02267675 15。 /books? Id = pdmadqpmxl8c & amppg = pa58 & ampots = Nx4w7j2atc & amp dq = spectrum+color+infinite dimension+cone. SIG = um 9 rwck 7 ffquo 9 e 2 oz-79 xjbe 8 w # PPA 59,M 1。
Edward albert Shapley-Shi? fer ( 1900)。 Physiology textbook. 2.y.j. Puntland. Page 1 107. /books? id = fz0uAAAAYAAJ & amppg=PA 1 107。 Dq = primary color+red, green and purple+Maxwell+feeling. as _ brr = 3 & ampei = ew 1 nspvyjpxulqtz 4 iwe & amp; Client = Firefox-a.
Alfred Daniel (1904). A textbook on the principles of physics. Macmillan company, page 575. /books? Id = opqzaaaaaaj & amp ppg = pa 575& dq = primary color+red, green and purple+Maxwell & amp pas _ BRR = 3& ei = 8 qpn sst5 kyzkkwtdvnwj & Client = Firefox-a.
Backhaus, Cligher and. Werner's Color Vision, Perspectives of Different Subjects (de Grut, 1998), p.15-116, section 5.5.
For Moran (Cambridge University), public relations. Jordan (Newcastle University) "Study on Heterozygosity of Female Color Vision Disorder" (Visual Studies, 1993)
Mi (short for meter)) Nitz, T.W. Kraft and J. Nitz (1998). "Expression of L cone pigment gene subtype in women". Visual research 38: 3221–3225. doi: 10. 10 16/s 0042-6989(98)00076-5。
Netz, Jay & Gerald Jacobs (1986). "Polymorphism of long wavelength cones in normal human color vision." Nature. 323, 623-625.
Gerald Jacobs (1996). "Primate photosensitive pigment and primate color vision." PNAS. 93 (2), 577–58 1.
Thomas D. Rossing and Christopher J. Chia Verina (1999). Physics and visual arts. Burke. Users. Page 178. ISBN 9780387988276。 /books? id = jph 1 _ dCT _ UcC & amp; pg=PA 178。 Dq = red+green+blue+additive color+primary color+purple & AMPLR = & AMPAS _ DRRB _ IS = Q & AMPAS _ MINM _ IS = 0 & AMPAS _ MINY _ IS = & AMPAS _ MAXM _ IS = 0 & AMPAS _ MAXY _ IS = & AMPAS.
Some Experiments on Color, Nature11,187 1, in john william strutt (Lord Rayleigh) (1899). Scientific papers. University press. /books? id = KWMSAAAAIAAJ & amp。 Pg = PA84 & ampdq = Date: 0- 1923+ light+red+green+yellow or orange & ampas_brr= 1#PPA85, M 1.
Tom Frazier and Adam Banks (2004). Designer's color handbook: a complete guide to color theory and application. Chronicle books. ISBN 08 1 1842 10X。 /books? id = WXZNPaX-LvcC & amp; Pg = pa27 & ampots = hshxs43vb9 & amp dq = red-yellow-blue+color+blending. ei = q 5c 7 rpk qbapkowlozbnwbq & amp; SIG = tzY-DG 0 VD 2 qsvzkaed _ 4k TV _ AYE。
Stephen Quiller (2002). Color selection. Watson-Guptail. ISBN 0823006972。 /books? jiUTZQj _ v5QC & amppg=PA 12。 Ots = uIkYShJkkF & ampdq = What is the color wheel+interval+red+yellow+blue & amp ei = pfo7rtdooradeoalsidxvbq & amp sig = nkvzb _ vaczkw5lkwelb4lag 90.
For example, leonardo da vinci wrote down these four simple colors in his notebook of about 1500. See Rolf Kuenhi. "/kloc-the development of simple e-color thought in the early 6th and 7th centuries". Research and application of color. Volume 32, No.2, April 2007.
Results (2000). Basic photographic materials and processes. Focus news. ISBN 0240803450。 /books? id = brya 6 qpsw 48 c & amp; pg = PP 1 & amp; Dq = foundation+photography+material+and+process & AMPSIG = 3fffkdirvz8misinhegznhikn4avm.
Ms Sharon Ross, Elis Kincaid (2004). Decorative painting & artificial veneer. Creative homeowners. ISBN 1580 1 1 1793。 /books? id=DPJUWRydR9kC&。 Dq = red+yellow+blue+pigment mixing++subtractive method & ampas_brr=3.
Lois Swenov (2003). Dimension color. Norton company. Company. ISBN 039373 1022。 /books? id = SG 5 MQT zuff 0c & amp; Dq =% psychology+primary color% 22+ blue+-green.
Bruce McEvoy. "Do" primary colors "exist?" (material tricolor part). Handprints. Browsed 10 times.
"/kloc-the development of simple color concept in the early 6th and 7th centuries". Research and application of color. Volume 32, No.2, April 2007.
Bruce McEvoy. "Secondary color palette." Handprints. Browsed to 14 in August 2007. See Bruce MacEvoy for a general discussion. "Mix with the color wheel" (saturation cost part). Handprints. Browsed to 14 in August 2007.
Cheap brochure printing-mixed blue/mixed red/mixed yellow/mixed black
Owen Sydney Ferry (192 1). General physics and its application in industry and daily life. John Wiley & sons. /books? id = 3rYXAAAAIAAJ & amppg=PA62 1。 Dq = date: 0- 1923+ additive+color+mixing+primary color & amp _ brr =1.
Frank Henry (19 17). School and shop printing: apprentices of printers, cram schools and general school textbooks. John Wiley & sons. /books? id=UAAvAAAAMAAJ&。 Pg = PA292 & ampdq = black+date: 0- 1923+ keyboard+printing+color.
See an example of Google image results as "cmyk color gamut".
I wonder if this can be used as a paper.