Keywords: SQL Visual FoxPro 6.0
Chapter 1 Introduction 4
1. 1 Purpose of learning small supermarket management system 4
1. 1. 1 In order to improve their development ability 4
1. 1.2 is the market demand 4.
1. 1.3 Improve management level 4
1. 1.4 Easy to communicate with the outside world 4
1.2 Scope of this system 4
1.2. 1 Purchasing Department 4
1.2.2 Business Department 4
1.2.3 Warehouse Department 4
1.2.4 Finance Department 5
1.2.5 Service Department 5
1. 2. 6 5 exit
1.3 Analysis of existing system problems 5
1.3. 1 There is no system 5 at all.
1.4 Significance of developing this system 5
1.5 idea 6
Chapter II System Analysis 7
2. 1 background analysis 7
2.2 Organize investigation and analysis 7
2.3 Detailed investigation 7
2.3. 1 data collection 7
2.3.2 Business Process Investigation and Analysis 8
2.4 Data Flow Analysis 8
2.5 Data analysis 8
2. 5. 1 data attribute 9
2.6 purchase of equipment 10
2.7 information estimation 10
Chapter III System Design 15
3. 1 code design 15
3.2 System Physical Design 15
3.2. 1 topology design 15
3.2.2 Equipment Selection 15
3.2.3 System Environment 16
3.3 Database Design 16
3.3. 1 conceptual pattern design 16
Logical design 16
3.4 Functional Structure Diagram 17
Flow chart of information system 17
Chapter 4 System Settings 19
4. 1 physical realization 19
4.2 Programming 19
4.3 Debugging 24
4.4 Compiling 24
4.5 Instructions for Use 24
4.6 Maintenance 24
Chapter V Conclusion 25
5. 1 achievement 25
5.2 Defect 25
5.3 Recommendation 25
Reference 26