At that time, Wang Bo insisted that "if you are poor, you will think about change, and you will not fall into the clouds"; There is Su Dongshi's "bamboo straw sandals are lighter than horses, and a misty rain lasts a lifetime". If Wang Bo can catch it, he will let it go. Otherwise, how could he be "insatiable but still happy"? It can be seen that letting go is a kind of wisdom in life.
Let go of material desires and make life more free and easy. Nowadays, "everything is a cloud" is popular. Although it has a playful taste, it all contains people's release of life pressure. Yes, greed is like a flame, devouring people's hearts. Events such as "Sanlu milk powder" and "Clenbuterol" are all due to greed. If businessmen are naturally mercenary, they are blinded by interests. What about us? Being an official, only for profit, not for corruption; In order to get promoted, you can frame others; Many people are so busy satisfying their material desires that they often ignore other important things in life and forget their dreams. If you can let go of material bondage, you will live more freely!
Let go of the vanity of fame and fortune and make life more chic. How many corrupt officials are slaves of fame and fortune, because they live for fame and fortune and are blinded by vanity. Don't you see? It's right beside us. How many colleagues please the leaders for a part-time job, accompany them to eat, drink and play mahjong all night; How many leaders squeeze their subordinates for promotion and flatter their superiors? Flattery is perfect. Others let go, focus on their hobbies, indulge in their dreams, that free and easy figure, how comfortable!
Let go of the past and let the soul be more free. There are always some people who think that the best thing is to lose, and the reality is always cruel. Let the ties of the past become a stumbling block in his life. What I envy is that the heroine in Titanic can let go of Jack who died for him and live freely again, because this is Jack's wish! Face the reality, this is the best way to let go of the past! Xie Kunshan is a famous painter and inspirational speaker in Taiwan Province. When he lost a leg, an eye and a pair of hands, he put down all kinds of burdens, faced the reality and lived in the present, adding luster to his life.
It is not easy to let go of greed, fame and fortune, and the past! However, how can we know the way of life without taking the first step? Try to let go, this is a kind of wisdom in life.