A: Any vaccine may have adverse reactions. So far, all COVID-19 vaccines that have entered clinical trials have observed slight adverse reactions. At the joint prevention and control meeting, Tian introduced that the vaccines that have entered the third phase of clinical trials in China are basically mild adverse reactions, and no serious adverse reactions have been reported.
Adverse reactions include local pain, redness, transient low fever and fever at the inoculation site.
According to the results of previous papers, the domestic COVID-19 vaccines-Sinopharm Group and Kexing Bio's vaccines have not found grade 3 or above adverse reactions, and the adverse reactions that have occurred are mild, and most of them can recover by themselves.
Second, what are the adverse reactions of vaccination?
A: Adverse reactions of vaccination can be divided into local and systemic:
1. Among the reported local adverse reactions, pain is the most common, followed by redness, swelling, itching, rash and induration.
2. Among the reported systemic adverse reactions, fever is the most common vaccine in Sinopharm Group, and fatigue is the most common vaccine in Kexing Biological Group. Others include cough, diarrhea, headache, nausea and vomiting, itching and muscle pain in non-vaccinated areas, acute allergic reactions, abnormal skin and mucosa, and loss of appetite.
3. At present, the short-term adverse reactions are very mild and acceptable, and long-term adverse events need to wait for the results of phase III trials.