Lexical analysis:
Basic vocabulary of paper
English [sports? p? (r)] beauty ['pe? p? r]
Paper; Documents; Newspapers; Thesis; Bills; wallpaper
Verb (abbreviation of verb) is wrapped in paper; Paste with paper; Hang wallpaper
Paper; Paper; nominal
That paper has turned yellow with age.
That paper has turned yellow with age.
This letter is written on a piece of paper.
This letter is only written on a piece of paper.
Usage of vocabulary
The basic meaning of paper is "paper", which is usually used as a material noun and uncountable. If you express countability, you must use unit words. A "scrap of paper" is a piece of paper; A "large piece of paper of standard size" is a piece of paper. When paper is interpreted as "written paper", it is a countable noun in plural form.
Paper can also be interpreted as newspapers, documents, certificates, examination papers and papers, and can be used in the plural.