2. Place the cursor on the first page. Insert-Page Number Removes the check mark in front of the page number displayed on the home page. Click the Format button. Select Start Page Number and enter 0 in the box below. Click twice to confirm.
3. The cursor is on the third page. Insert-Click the format button for the page number. Select Start Page Number and enter 1 in the box below. Click twice to confirm.
4. The cursor is on the second page. View-Header and Footer Enter the word "Table of Contents" in the header position (at this time, the header of the first page remains unchanged, and the header of subsequent pages becomes "Table of Contents"). Page down to the third page (without exiting the editing status of header and footer). The cursor is on the header of the third page. Click the Same as Before button (fifth from the right) on the header and footer toolbar. Replace the word "directory" with the author's name and the title of the paper. Do it.
If you can, add points. It's too difficult.