1, cover 1: The cover of a magazine, usually outside the first page of the magazine.
2. Cover 2: The inside page of the magazine cover. This page of the cover is divided into two sides, the outside is called the first side and the inside is called the second side.
Cover 3: The inside of the last page of the magazine.
4, back cover: generally refers to the outside of the last page of the magazine, also known as cover four.
5. Title 1: The first spread of the title page. After opening the cover, the page on the left is cover 2, and the page on the right is called title page. The cover page and the title page together as a large page are called title one.
6. Title II: The second spread of the title page. The second spread following the first spread of the title page is a composite page of the second and third pages of the magazine with page numbers.
Classification of magazines
1, according to the content: magazines can be divided into two categories: comprehensive journals and professional journals.
2. According to disciplines, magazines can be divided into social science journals, scientific journals and mass journals.
3. Magazines can be divided into weekly, xunkan, bimonthly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, bimonthly and yearly.
4. According to the nature of magazines, they can be divided into academic journals, technical journals, mass journals, educational journals, information journals, enlightenment journals and entertainment journals.
5. Magazines can be divided into children's magazines, youth magazines, university magazines, teenagers' magazines, women's magazines, old people's magazines, workers' magazines, farmers' magazines, cadres' magazines, intellectuals' magazines and military magazines according to readers.