How to write a research paper. ? Respiratory care? 49(20041October): 1229- 1232.
You must explain how to obtain and analyze the results for the following reasons:
Readers need to know how to obtain data, because the method you choose will affect the results, so how to explain its importance in the discussion part of the paper.
Methodology is very important for the research of any subject, because an unreliable method will produce unreliable results, thus undermining your value in analyzing the survey results.
In most cases, you can choose different methods to investigate and study problems. The "methodology" part of your thesis should clearly explain the reasons for choosing a specific program or technology.
Readers want to know that data is collected or generated in a way that conforms to accepted practices in the research field. For example, if you use a multiple-choice questionnaire, readers need to know that it provides a reasonable answer range for your respondents to choose from.
This method must be suitable for achieving the overall goal of the research. For example, you need to ensure that the sample size is large enough so that you can generalize and make suggestions based on the survey results.
The method should discuss the expected problems and the measures taken to prevent them. For any problems that do occur, you must describe how to minimize them, or why these problems will not affect your interpretation of the findings in any meaningful way.
In social science and behavioral science, it is always important to provide enough information for other researchers to adopt or copy your method. This information is especially important when developing new methods or using innovative uses of existing methods.
Daryl Bem? Write empirical journal articles. Psychological writing center. University of Washington; Martin denscomb. ? Good research guide: small-scale social research projects. The fifth edition. Buckingham, England: Open University Press, 2014; Frederick Lunenburg? Writing a Successful Paper: Tips and Strategies for Social and Behavioral Science Students. Thousand Oaks, California: colvin Press, 2008.
First, the research method group.
There are two main research methods in social science:
Empirical analysis group? Similarly, researchers study natural sciences. This type of research focuses on objective knowledge and can answer "yes" or "no" research questions and operational definitions of variables to be measured. The empirical analysis team adopts deductive reasoning and makes hypotheses that need to be tested based on existing theories. This method focuses on interpretation.
The interpretation group focuses on a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. Explanatory methods focus on analytically revealing the meaningful practices of human subjects [why, how or how people do their work], and at the same time explaining how these practices are arranged so that they can be used to produce observable results. Interpretation allows you to identify the connection with the phenomenon under investigation. However, the interpretation team needs to examine variables carefully because it focuses more on subjective knowledge.
Second, the content
The introduction of methodology should begin with the restatement of research questions and basic assumptions. Then, put the methods you use to collect, analyze and process information within the overall "tradition" of the research field, and choose a specific research design to study the problem. If the method you choose is beyond the tradition of your field [that is, your review of the literature shows that this method is not commonly used], please provide how the method you choose solves the unresolved research problems and the reasons for using it in previous studies.
The rest of the method should describe the following:
When choosing the data you want to analyze, or when doing qualitative research, you should choose the topic and research background you are studying.
Tools and methods for identifying and collecting information, and how to identify related variables,
The way data is processed and the process used to analyze the data, and
Specific research tools or strategies you use to study basic assumptions and research problems.
You can get help in this area through In addition, the method part of effective writing should:
This paper introduces the general method of investigating and studying problems. Is your research qualitative or quantitative, or a combination of the two (mixed method)? Do you want to take a special approach, such as action research or a more neutral stance?
Explain how this method can be applied to the whole study design. The way you collect data should be clearly related to your research questions. In other words, make sure that your method can really solve the problem. One of the most common defects found in research papers is that the proposed method is not suitable for achieving the goals set in the paper.
Describe the specific data collection methods you will use, such as surveys, interviews, questionnaires, observations and archival research. If you want to analyze existing data, such as data sets or archived documents, please describe how it was originally created or collected and who collected it. In addition, please be sure to explain that the old data are still relevant to the investigation of current research issues.
Explain how you intend to analyze the results. Can you use statistical analysis? Do you use specific theoretical viewpoints to help you analyze the text or explain the observed behavior? Describe how to plan an accurate evaluation of relationships, patterns, trends, distributions and possible contradictions in data.
Provide background knowledge and basic principles for unfamiliar methods. In social sciences, research problems and research methods usually need more explanations/reasons than the widely accepted rules in natural and physical sciences. The explanation should be concise and clear.
Provide reasons for selecting subjects and sampling procedures. For example, if you plan to interview, how do you plan to select the sample population? If you want to analyze the text, which text should you choose and why? If you use statistics, why use this set of data? If there are other data sources, please explain why the selected data is most suitable for solving the research problem.
Provide reasons for case study selection. The common method to analyze research problems in social science is to analyze specific cases. These can be people, places, events, phenomena or other types of analysis topics, which can be examined as a single topic of in-depth investigation, or compared or found as multiple investigation topics. No matter which method is adopted, it should explain why one or more cases are selected and their specific connection with the research problem.
Describe the potential limitations. Are there any practical limitations that might affect your data collection? How will you control potential confounding variables and errors? If your method may lead to problems that you can expect, please publicly state and explain why adopting this method is more risky than these problems.
Attention:? After all the elements in the method section are written, subsequent revisions should focus on how to present these elements as clearly and logically as possible. Describe how you intend to study this problem, how to collect data and the protocols used to analyze data should be organized in chronological order. For the sake of clarity, when a lot of detailed information must be provided, the information should be provided according to the topic segmentation. If necessary, consider using an appendix to the original data.
Note: If the research problem is to be analyzed qualitatively, the methodology part usually needs a more detailed description and explanation of the process used to collect and analyze data than the following methods: quantitative method. Because you are the main tool for generating data (for example, through interviews or observations), the process of collecting data has a greater impact on generating survey results. Therefore, qualitative research needs to describe the methods used in more detail.
Another note:? If your research involves interviews, observations or other qualitative techniques related to human subjects, you may need to obtain the approval of the university's research object protection office before starting the research. This is not a common procedure for most undergraduate research tasks. However, if your professor declares that you need approval, you must add the following statement to your method section: You have obtained the official approval and fully informed consent from the office, and made a clear assessment of participants and universities, and minimized the risk. This statement informs readers that your research has been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner. In some cases, the approval notice will be attached to your paper.
Daryl Bem? Write empirical journal articles. Psychological writing center. University of Washington; Martin denscomb. ? Good research guide: small-scale social research projects. The fifth edition. Buckingham, England: Open University Press, 2014; Frederick Lunenburg? Writing a Successful Paper: Tips and Strategies for Social and Behavioral Science Students. Thousand Oaks, California: colvin Press, 2008.
Third, the problems to be avoided.
Irrelevant details
The methodology part of your thesis should be thorough and concise. Don't provide any background information that can't directly help readers understand why they choose a specific method, how to collect or obtain data, and how to analyze the data to study the problem [note: analyzed, unexplained! Interpretation method for saving the results of discussion]. Considering this, the length of the "method" part is usually shorter than that of other parts of the paper (except the conclusion).
An unnecessary explanation of the basic process.
Remember, you are not writing a method guide about a specific method. If you want to assume that readers have a basic understanding of how to study problems independently, you don't have to study the specific methodological steps in detail. The focus should be on how to apply the method, not the mechanism to execute it. This rule is an exception if you choose an unconventional method. If so, please explain why you chose this method and how to enhance the whole discovery process.
Problem blindness
It is almost certain that there will be problems when collecting or generating data, or there will be gaps in existing data or files. Don't ignore these problems or pretend that they didn't happen. In general, recording how to overcome obstacles may be an interesting part of methodology. It proves to readers that you can provide convincing reasons for your decision to minimize the impact of any problems that arise.
Literature review
Just as the literature review section of this article outlines the sources you check when studying a specific topic, the methodology section should cite any source that can select and apply a specific method for you. You should include any references to the works you used to help build the survey].
Not just a source of information!
The description of research methods should not be confused with the description of information sources. Such a list of resources is very useful in itself, especially when accompanied by explanations about resource selection and use. The description of the project method complements the list of sources because it clarifies the organization and interpretation of information from these sources.
How to write scientific papers: writing methods. ? Portuguese journal of lung disease? 17 (20 1 1): 232-238; Blair Lori. "Choose methodology." Are you online? Write graduation thesis or dissertation, and teach writing series. (Rotterdam: Sense Press 20 16), pp. 49-72; Dan W. Buting? Educational thesis: a guide for practitioners. Thousand Oaks, California: Cowen, 2010; Carter, Susan. ? Construct your research paper. New york: palgrave Macmillan, 2012; How to write a research paper. ? Respiratory care? 49(20041October):1229-1232; Frederick Lunenburg? Writing a Successful Paper: Tips and Strategies for Social and Behavioral Science Students. Thousand Oaks, California: colvin Press, 2008. ? Method section. Writer's handbook. Writing center. University of Wisconsin-Madison; ? Rudestam, Kjell Erik and Rae R. Newton. "Methodology section: Describe your research plan." In? Survive your thesis: a comprehensive guide to content and process. (Thousand Oaks, Sage Publication, 20 15), p. 87- 1 15; ? What is interpretive approach? Institute of Public and International Affairs, University of Utah; ? Writing an experimental report: methods, results and discussion. Writing lab and owl. Purdue University; ? Methods and materials. Structure, format, content and style of periodical scientific papers. Biology department. Bates college.
Statistical design and testing? Don't be afraid of them!
Don't avoid using quantitative methods to analyze your research problems because you are worried about the idea of using statistical design and testing. Qualitative methods (such as interviewing or analyzing the contents of archived texts) can produce exciting new insights on research issues, but you should not adopt this qualitative method just because you are dismissive of running simple regression. Well-designed quantitative research can usually be completed in a very clear and direct way, while similar qualitative research usually takes a lot of time to analyze a large amount of data, and it takes a huge burden to create a new analysis path, and problems related to your research problems that have no path before already exist.
Understand the relationship between theory and method
In social science research, the term "theory" and the term "method" may have many meanings. A useful way to describe them is to understand "theory" as different methods to study the social world, and "method" as different methods to generate and analyze data about the social world. All empirical social science research thus constituted involves theories and methods, whether explicitly stated or not. However, although theories and methods are usually related, as a researcher, it is important that you deliberately separate them to avoid your theory playing a disproportionate role in forming the results produced by the selected methods.
Introspective dialectic between the application of theory and method can help you explore and develop new theories by using the results of methods, or clarify the way to study problems conceptually. This is how scholarships continue to grow and expand into new areas of knowledge.
Methods and methodology
Don't confuse the terms "method" and "method". As Schneider said, method refers to the technical steps of research. The description of methods usually includes defining and explaining why you choose a specific technology to study research problems, and then outlining the process of systematically selecting, collecting and processing data [remember, always keep the interpretation of data. The discussion part of your paper].
This method refers to the discussion of the root cause of why a particular method is used. The discussion includes describing the theoretical concepts guiding the choice of application methods, placing the choice of methods in the more general nature of academic work, and examining its relevance to research issues. The methodology part also includes a comprehensive review of the methods used by other scholars to study this topic.
Brian, Allen. "Method and methodology"? Qualitative research in organization and management: international journals? 3 (2008): 159- 168; Schneider, florian. "What's in methodology: the difference between method, methodology and theory ... and how to get the right balance?" ?。 Chinese Department, Leiden University, Netherlands.