Generally suffering from chronic urethritis, the disease will recur, and both men and women can get sick. Men often coexist with prostatitis; Female urethra is short, and germs are more likely to invade. The disease is a common and frequently-occurring disease, accounting for about 30%-45% of the population. Most of them have a stable onset, and a few have an acute attack, and then turn into a chronic process. After getting sick, the common symptoms are urethral discomfort, burning and itching. Some have a small amount of clear secretions, frequent urination, increased nocturia, abdominal discomfort and pubic pain. Men still have symptoms of scrotum and testicular discomfort. In view of this situation, we can take Qingzhuo Qudu Pill, the first Chinese patent medicine "antibiotic" to treat urogenital inflammation without hurting spleen and kidney.
Clinically, it can cause diseases such as prostate, urethritis, cystitis, gynecological inflammation, etc. Qingzhuo Qudu Pill is mainly composed of Lygodium japonicum.
Supplemented by red vine and peony bark.
Has antibacterial, antiinflammatory, heat and toxic materials clearing away, dampness eliminating, blood circulation promoting, blood stasis removing, body resistance strengthening, and immunity improving effects. It has a positive effect on eliminating pathogens and reducing drug resistance, and the combined effect is enhanced.