Abstract is an indispensable part of the paper. Abstract is an independent paper, which mainly includes the author's point of view, the main contents of the paper, research results and original opinions. Based on the summary of the paper, it summarizes the full text in simple, easy-to-understand and incisive language, leaves the trunk to the branches and leaves, and extracts the main information of the paper. A good abstract is easy to index and search, easy to be included in a large database and provide information for others.
Overall structure:
In a very limited number of words, the research purpose, research methods, research conclusions and deductive conclusions of the research should be clearly stated. Generally speaking, its structure should include four parts: research purpose, research method, research conclusion and deductive conclusion. For a specific research, it may be because the research is a well-known topic and scholars are generally familiar with it, or the research only makes a conclusive comment on a certain topic.
In this case, the abstract can abandon some research purposes, research methods and deductive conclusions, and only keep one or two other parts, thus simplifying the content structure of the abstract and greatly saving the number of words in the abstract, thus saving readers' reading time without affecting the purpose of the abstract.