1, author of the journal. Title [J] Name of publication, year of publication, volume (issue): page numbers.
2. Monograph author. Title [m]. Version (first edition not recorded). Place of publication: publisher, year of publication: page numbers.
3. Author, title [c], editor, collection name, place of publication: publishing house, year of publication: start and end pages.
4. Author of the paper. Title [D] Save the location. Save unit. Year.
5. Title of the patent document [P]. Country. Types of patent documents. Patent number. Date of publication.
6. Standard number. Standard name.
7. newspaper author. Title. Newspaper name. Publication date (version).
8. Report author, title [R], storage place and year.
9. Author of electronic document. Title [Identification of electronic documents and carrier types]. The source and date of the document.