1. induction: to prove by drawing general conclusions from specific facts or examples. Induction is often used to infer general laws or principles from specific situations.
2. Deduction: Draw conclusions from known premises or assumptions through logical reasoning. Deduction is based on the logical relationship of "if" ... and then "and supports the argument through gradual deduction.
3. Analogy: By comparing different situations with similar characteristics, apply the experience or viewpoint of one situation to another to support the argument.
4. Examples: By citing specific examples or cases, show their relevance and support for the argument. Examples can be used to increase the concreteness and persuasiveness of the argument.
5. Statistical data and investigation: provide objective evidence to support the argument by quoting reliable statistical data, investigation results or findings of scientific research.
6. Reverse argument: emphasize the rationality and advantages of your own point of view by refuting possible opposing views or objections.
7. Logical reasoning: use logical principles and rules such as sufficiency, necessity and contradiction to conduct reasoning and argumentation.
8. Expert authority and quoting the opinions of authoritative people: quoting the opinions and research results of experts or authoritative people to increase the credibility and persuasiveness of the argument.
It should be noted that different argumentation methods may be more effective in different situations. According to different topics and target audiences, it is very important to choose appropriate argumentation methods. At the same time, effective argumentation should be based on reliable evidence and reasonable reasoning, and avoid using unfounded assumptions and wrong logic.
In the process of demonstration, students are advised to fully study and understand relevant background knowledge and documents, and make full thinking and analysis to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the demonstration. In addition, communicating with tutors or instructors and seeking professional guidance and feedback will help improve the quality and persuasiveness of arguments.