Then, in order to play the role of acupuncture more effectively and achieve a better effect of relieving low back pain, it is necessary to find the right acupoints and achieve a better conditioning effect. There are five specific acupoints to relieve low back pain, namely waist and leg acupoints, that is, the second finger of people's back; Yaoyang point, that is, under the fourth vertebra; Weizhong point, that is, the knee socket of both legs; Sciatic nerve point, that is, between the fourth and fifth metacarpophalangeal joints; And low back pain, that is, between the second and third metacarpals and the fourth and fifth metacarpals of the back of the hand.
Traditional Chinese medicine plays a conditioning role, and acupuncture does have a good effect on helping people relieve low back pain. However, in order to thoroughly treat low back pain caused by various spinal abnormalities, it is necessary to find out the specific reasons and do more effective treatment. Only more targeted treatment can restore the symptoms of low back pain.